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Don't join - company is in ramp-down

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei CARIAD SE in Berlin gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The initial vision from Herbert Dies inspired many Cardigans. Many good colleges fighting to deliver what the brands initially defined.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The theatre that pretends to focus on delivery while in the background the ramp down and partnerships diminished the core of what Cariad could have been.


Clearly define a vision for CARIAD beyond making software a success factor for the group. In light of brand started partnerships it sounds like an empty shell.


Depends on the team and project. General areas are "in transformation" - euphemism for reducing headcount.


As team leader you cannot compensate the top management communication which is reactive to VW morhership moved like the recent Rivian JV. Internal news are plenty and people use it for their own visibility.


Teams try to deliver even if the constraints change often.


Depends. If you work with US colleges in SDV Hub or in future with the Rivian JV on the future software you are kind of expected to be available 5-7pm.


Depends as well

Interessante Aufgaben

If you like to steer suppliers. Software teams are hard to find but are drowned by process.
If you work in the SDH Hub you can expect that the US and in future the Rivian JV will give all the technical direction. Still people in Germany needed at the cars


Especially recently, women are pushed, as leaders variable pay depends on it.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Many wait for the early retirement package.


Offices are nicely furnished but without Soule. If they would be full -which is seldom the case - the offices do not allow concentrated work. No problem as seldom really software is developed.


Well paused with IGM.


The initial mission of CARIAD would have reduced the software diversity and power at brands. The VW Group and Brand successfully used the delays in the Brand-Born and supplier based architectures to discredit CARIAD fully.


Depends on your team. Important for bigger steps is "visibility". This leads to upper management to create artificial "opportunities" to be visible.
Conferences, training, eLearning are offered and an internal academy supports.


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