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Old culture, wrong mindset prevent the company to achieve its best

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei CARIAD SE in Berlin gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Flexible working times, home office, working from abroad, Cariad Coins and all the things done by Works Council and IGM. I would appreciate if coins could be used to buy shop coupons (e.g. to buy groceries), or support for transportation, e.g. Deutschland Ticket or similar,
I also love the opportunities to learn new technical topics, e.g. licenses with known learning platforms!

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

From my point of view, I find fault with the old way of thinking of my employer, the management practices and the attitude of some of the managers. What bothers me is their lack of knowledge or understanding of the people they're dealing with. I also experienced a culture of disrespect for those lower down the hierarchy, with the implication that their opinions don't matter because there's a pay gap.


Promoting Open-Mindedness in Leadership: I believe the organisation should actively seek out managers with diverse experiences, including those from other companies. Rather than only promoting individuals who have only “changed a lot within the Group,” consider leaders whose mindsets transcend the boundaries of a single corporate environment. Managers, who often act as leads, should possess a modern mindset and intrinsic motivation. When selecting candidates for advancement, prioritize those with a rich variety of experiences rather than defaulting to the next corporate candidate in line.


I am lucky to be a man


I appreciate that our direct management tries to communicate changes and important things as fast as possible, but we have communications problems, especially when you get info from the media first instead of your company


I am lucky to be a man


Thanks to the flexible working hours and the flexible home office. It would be less stars, if they would force us to come back to the office.


On Hierarchies: Creating unnecessary hierarchies can sometimes be counterproductive. While having a specific layer based on valid reasons (like experience and years worked) is acceptable, it’s essential to avoid favoring individuals solely based on specific traits. Managers should focus on merit rather than showcasing “image people” during important meetings.

On Competencies: External hires often receive more attention, but internal hires shouldn’t be overlooked. Everyone deserves fair consideration. Sometimes manager claim to not know an employee's CV due to privacy reasons. But understanding your internal talent is crucial for effective decision-making.

Interessante Aufgaben

Tasks are quite interesting, but nothing special.


Only if you belong to your manager's favorites.


Thanks to Works Council, IGM and flexibility in working hours, home office and working from abroad


It would be good if they would apply same conditions to everyone


The image is ruined by some magazine's articles. Additionally I do not have the impression the company is really known. When talking about my employer, I always have to default back to "Volkswagen"


Learning and Self Development: There are options, you can select trainings, have a budget to attend relevant conferences, you can also get licenses to learn technical topics on known online learning platforms. I like this a lot. Career: It depends on your manager and if you belong to their preferred people

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