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Expat view

Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

You can for sure be happy as a programmer with this team. They have healthy coding attitude and healthy way of working. I liked the flat infrastructure.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Temporary working contracts are very bad for location like Munich - this means the newcommer will not get any leasing contract for a car, neither a appartment with temporary contract.


This company could support more - remote working. If you hire top professional, remote working possibilty is already standard.

IF you have set up professional remote possibilty, jira tracking tools, document check out checkin tools - then you do not need time stamps. IT will make everybody lifes easier and more happy.

The early revaluation should be after actual fully worked days calculated - not after counting it from 1st day of the start of the working contract

Einarbeitung should be possible and both sides should review it in the initial evaluation. Project documentation should be handed over in the first weeks at the working place, time to study it should be give and then, employee should sign with signature. Einarbeitung ist very special and important in every work sector. Evalutation of Einarbeitung should take in consideration the over well beying of newcommer, personal situation and motivation and coaching should be offered in case of starting problems - which can be desastrous in Munich.

Parking should be free for the whole team. It was difficult to search parking place.


Typical programmer coding atmosphere. Fruits and sweets for free. Nice and friendly ladies at reception, cool colleagues.

On the other hand - time stamps and no possibility to work remotely.


Excellent communication from top level management.
PM soft skills could be improved in the field of communication, political and cultural awareness, conflict management and trust building. Kindness, empathy and well-being as true measure of how a company is doing.


Colleagues are very helpfull, as it is very difficult to find a home in Munich.


German self care is absolutely lived at this company. Everybody works fully determined, effective and focused for paid hours of time. But after you worked your hours, nobody expect you to work for free or on evenings or weekend.

For families, this company understands that your children need some weeks to adapt to german child care, which can be really a problem if a company do not support this - as kindergarden demand this and it is standard.

Why not 5 stars?

Pity remote working is not offered to newcommers. It could make their START easier, they could spent time after works coding if they would like to. Remote working possibilty saves a person 1 - 2 hours per day of traveling time - this time can be invested into coding or learning.


Professional and friendly CEO management.


The working space is beautiful and clean. No big rooms with 100 of developers, no cubicles. Because of no remote possibility, I give just 4 stars.


Contens has great reputation already for 20 years and have excellent products.
But only when you behind the walls you know how it is running.
Nobody talks bad about contens, but there is a place for improvement in the PM area.

Interessante Aufgaben


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Alexander Friess, Leiter Personal
Alexander FriessLeiter Personal

Vielen Dank für Dein wertvolles Feedback.

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Du gerne bei CONTENS gearbeitet hast und dass es Dir gut gefallen hat. Die positive, freundliche und produktive Arbeitsatmosphäre im Team ist sehr uns wichtig und es ist schön, dass das bei Dir gut angekommen ist.

Mit Weiterbildungen in Fach- und Kommunikationsthemen versuchen wir uns kontinuierlich zu verbessern. Wir nehmen Deinen Hinweis erst und werden auch weiterhin die Kommunikationsfähigkeiten unserer Projektleiter schulen. Auch wir finden, dass die Einarbeitung ein sehr wichtiger Teil zu Beginn der Zusammenarbeit ist. Daher gibt es im Rahmen des Onboarding einen persönlichen Ansprechpartner, der einer neuen Mitarbeiterin oder einem neuen Mitarbeitern den Einstieg erleichtert. Nach unserer Erfahrung funktioniert das am besten persönlich und nicht remote. Nach der Einarbeitung bieten wir auf Wunsch zum Jobprofil passende HomeOffice-Optionen.

Für Deinen weiteren Lebensweg und Deine berufliche Karriere wünschen wir Dir alles Gute und viel Erfolg.

Viele Grüße,
Alexander Friess


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