Politics, big words and no results
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Clear product portofolio and goals
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Most of the managers have no technical knowledge or competence to lead the a software business. A lot of open positions in Germany where filled by moving colleagues from best cost countries. This most of the time didn’t make any sense mostly also because the colleagues where even not fit for the positions.
There were a lot of hirings that didn’t make sense. Lots of colleagues where moved to Germany internally and the cultural differences where very big. HR was a joke, they where never talking directly about the problems and there were no real actions on many topics. HR seemed like a socialist party where everybody was treated equally in all the situations. It didn’t matter that the situation required actions, social cohesion was preffered instead of helping the colleagues. HR business partners where never helping me and they seemed like avoiding any situation that required more work. Moreover in the end some HR business partners could not even speak German anymore because they where not from Germany.
Sometimes the cultural differences between the colleagues where huge, not really nice
A lot of meetings with lots of linkedin influencer statements that where bringing nothing
Almost none, many of them work there because they have no other options, sometimes some colleagues just couldn’t complete their work so other top performers where always asked to cover for this. This situations were never resolved just ignored. Additionally more strange hiring decisions were coming.
Because of the politics you rarely get to do some real work so it was relaxed
Interessante Aufgaben
Sometimes yes, when politics stopped