32 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
32 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
30 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil einrichten32 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
30 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
One great thing about the employer is the flexible, remote work setup and the focus on results-driven work.
Unclear employee development plan.
I’d appreciate it if my successes were celebrated as much as my setbacks are analyzed and addressed. Balanced recognition of both would boost motivation and engagement.
Ich fühle mich hier wirklich sehr wohl und freue mich mit tollen Kollegen und Vorgesetzen zu arbeiten. Die Aufgaben werden nie langweilig und zusammen können wir lachen und Erfolge feiern, aber uns auch gegenseitig aufbauen, wenn der Tag mal nicht so lief. So viel Zusammenhalt findet man selten und ich bin glücklich so ein tolles Team gefunden zu haben.
All in all great atmosphere and a great company to work for. Great colleagues, good salary and room to grow as an individual.
A lot of support from your colleagues. You could always ask if you needed any advice or just an open ear.
Great conditions, lots of freedom regarding work from home
Communication of the managers was good. Very open and lots of room for feedback and questions.
Good salary, possibilty to improve within the company
Das Onboarding war informativ und kurzweilig. Die Kommunikation kann hierarchieübergreifend stattfinden.
Meetingkultur: Wenn ein Call für 30 Min. angesetzt ist, geht er manchmal auch länger ohne Ankündigung.
Experiencing the positive impact of female leadership, I value the unique perspective it brings. Appreciating the balance of freedom and responsibility in our roles.
Juggling multiple projects can be a challenge, especially when deep focus is needed. The dynamics vary based on the projects at hand. Balancing act in progress!
Maybe more co-workings :)
Having experienced diverse environments both within my professional role and various projects, I can confidently say that I am genuinely happy.
Great image, which is based on the great work we are doing for so long by now and comes with having worked with so many interesting brands also.
I enjoy a lot of flexibility! Whether it's managing personal appointments or embracing shorter work hours for summer, you have the freedom to structure your day. Of course, with great flexibility comes the responsibility to keep things running smoothly.
There are ways of where and how we can develop, sometimes I would wish for a little more guidance on this but know that if I ask, my leader will do everything she can to support me and show me possible options. You do need to be proactive for it tho.
I am content with my fair salary.
We're always striving for more, but we contribute through annual donations and champion a paperless approach wherever possible. Small steps toward a more sustainable footprint!
In our team, trust is paramount. While some connections may be closer than others, it's completely natural. What's truly remarkable is how our closeness persists, even without a traditional office setting.
Our team skews towards a younger demographic, reflective of the digital nature of our field. Diversity in age may be limited, but it's a testament to the dynamic and innovative spirit within our team.
No complaints here! Clear expectations, open communication, and a sense of being valued. Not just a number, but a voice that's heard and respected.
Freedom, flexibility, great colleagues and exciting projects. I am happy.
Swift, direct, always supportive, and committed to mutual growth and learning. Authenticity is key and happening.
Everyone is treated equally and respectfully.
Variety is the spice of the job! While projects may vary, showcasing your capabilities and eagerness opens doors. Leaders strive to fulfill your aspirations. This role offers a spectrum of tasks, a stark contrast to the more confined in-house positions.
Basically everything is pretty much awesome at DONE! and there is nothing to dislike. It is a super friendly working environment with awesome colleagues, great topics to work on and awesome clients to work with. All in all it is a very well rounded and well-thought-through company.
If I would really have to come up with one thing I don't like about DONE! is, that my colleagues are scattered across the world. It would be awesome to just step out the door, go a few houses down, push the doorbell and then start co-working with one or all of them.
I wish I could add something to this conversation, but even after thinking about it long and hard, I simply just couldn't come up with anything.
The atmosphere is incredibly inclusive. Everybody puts their best foot forward and it doesn't matter whether you are new or have been with DONE! for a while...everybody is treated the same.
The image of DONE! is - as far as I can tell - immaculate. Just as they offer a unique working model and environment to their employees, they also offer unique service, solutions and support to their customers.
You are responsible to make your own work-life-balance work. The tasks are "aplenty" and usually it is up to each individual how they balance the work load. It does take practice to prioritize and learn to say "no" or "not now". For people who are not used to or are not willing to organize themselves, this can be a hard wake-up call. However, if you hang in there and are willing to make it work, it really does work. The working hours are flexible and so is your location. It is really up to you whether you are stressed out and have no work-life-balance or if you learn to (or already can) juggle what is given to you.
Here, it actually really depends. You have to have been with this company for a little while to receive support if you want to further your education. Other than that, you are challenged on a daily basis to grow and expand your horizon. There is no lack of opportunities to showcase your talents and share your knowledge with or pick up something new from your colleagues. Careerwise, there are steps you can take and goals you can achieve. So making a career at DONE! most certainly is possible.
When is it ever enough? DONE! is a boutique consultancy. So if you are expecting the salary of a high strung consultant job, this certainly is not the employer for you. DONE! does offer some perks which are - in some cases - local to Berlin. But again...it is up to you, if you want to make good use of those or not. You have co-working and team events with your colleagues. If you are distributed throughout Germany or worldwide you can always get on the train or plane to take part in whatever DONE! has to offer.
DONE! works "all digital", so no trees have to die to create a paper trail. Also the carbon footprint you leave is pretty minimal, since you do not have to commute to work every day. It is probably safe to say that the DONE! way of working is pretty environmental friendly.
Well...this is something which was quite a surprise. Usually, there is such a thing as "group forming" and usually those groups are pretty tight. Getting in - like back in school - requires you to have certain atributes. This is NOT the case at DONE! If you are in...YOU ARE IN!!! There is no "well he/she is like this or that and hasn't been working with us thus far" so basically an "outsider". If you get an assignment with another group of people or in another project you are always immediately a team member. There is no "probation period" in which you have to prove yourself. The phrase "paying it forward" is something that is a "given" amongst each other.
Well...this is a question of definition. It is fair to say that the average age of an employee at DONE! probably is fairly young (but again..."how do you define "fairly young"?"). But it is also important to emphasize that this is not by choice and not on purpose. It simply is. And since it doesn't matter who you are at DONE!, age also doesn't matter. You are treated the same as everyone else.
We are all human! This is something you hear very often elsewhere but when push comes to shove one finds oneself thrown under a bus. Sounds familiar? Well, not at DONE! You make mistakes? Alright, own them, brush the dirt off and on you go. The leadership in this company is incredibly unique and a good example of how "being human" can be a leadership principle too. The people leading, growing and protecting this company put their heart and soul into it and this is something you can genuinely feel.
Life is what you make it! And that is also the case with your working environment. In this case and at this company you are the architect of your working environment. You get all the digital tools you need to make your work day work. How you put them to use, is up to you. If you are missing something, you will probably get it, if you ask. But again, you are responsible to make your working environment work for you.
Communication is very transparent and open. My observation is, that no topic is off limits (if it is not confidential that is). If you ask, you are going to get an answer. And it is - in my experience - always a "real answer". There are no vague statements which leave you wondering as to what is really going on.
Everyone is the same and it doesn't matter who, what and how you are. You are an employee of DONE!
From day one it is a rollercoaster of some familiar and some new, never heard of and never tackled tasks. But this is what makes it so much fun. Granted...this is not a model for everyone. If you are used to your set range of tasks, this probably is a horror show for you. But if you are curious, open to new and innovative ways of doing things, then this is the place for you. If you think, you have seen and done it all, think again, because here, you probably will work on topics you have never worked on before. Life is versatile and so are the assignments given to you.
Flexibility, team atmosphere and development chances within the field of people and culture
Would love to meet my team mates more often.
My team mates are very supportive and I can ask all my questions at any time.
I feel the trust and appreciate the flexibility but I also need more experience in regard to time management.
Very helpful to have different managers, and peer to peer feedback. The DONE! Party was legendary by the way.
Very empathic and professional. As I said there are multiple leaders to help for different kind of cases.
Open communication and super structured. I feel closed even if we work remote
Definitely great Client projects / strong players in the market who trust the expertise of DONE!
Offenheit, Gleichberechtigung, individuelle Chancen, Internationales Unternehmen
Sehr locker und offen, es gibt viel Raum, um sich selbst zu entfalten und es gibt immer ein offenes Ohr für Probleme und Herausforderungen
"Ältere" Kollegen gib es in der Hinsicht nicht, aber langjährige Mitarbeiter werden geschätzt und gefördert
Keine strenge und unflexible Hierarchie, sondern eine offene Kommunikation untereinander und eine Kommunikation auf Augenhöhe
Remote Arbeit und die Möglichkeit, aus anderen Ländern zu arbeiten. Somit kann man Reisen und Arbeiten miteinander verbinden
Flexible and digital way of working, agile, great people, interesting projects, awesome portfolio of clients
Internal development budget
Additional vacation days with every year within the company
Greatest team!
Female Management, strong leadership skills
The DONE!team for sure knows how to communicate digitally as well as in person
diverse projects and clients
Great atmosphere that everyone contributes to!
management wise this is great
Great team work and individual work balance
have had good experiences so far
Great communication between the channels working remotely - great to be able to still be fast in contact without the physical presence of an office
So verdient kununu Geld.