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Emma - The Sleep Company Logo


*Not as nice as it sounds *

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement bei Emma - The Sleep Company gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

You learn. If you don’t give up and decide to take the messy as an opportunity to improve yourself you can enjoy. Make sure you leave before you think that bubble is the reality outside.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There is no HR leader. Only very junior managers (even the team leaders) capable of following owner’s decision based exclusively on his gut feelings.
You use your on mobile to work.
Recently owner encouraged workers to go for a trip with some colleagues to discuss company challenges. But you have to pay by yourself.
No recognition to good work. There is always a culture of diminishing to better negotiate your salary. You see it clear in the salary review process.


Transparency in salary and home office conditions.
Hire a proper HR leader. Someone that can lead a team.
Do not play with employees dependent condition. Most of them are immigrants, stop behaving as you don’t see the recurrent problems they go through.
Be respectful to your employees. Work less on showing off how nice the company is and more on making it a great place to work.


Military top down with fluffy words about take ownership.


Do what owners want. Exactly. At least transparent when owners say openly that if you want to work from 9 to 6 this is not the company for you. They will never pay you for extra hour.


People collaboration is the best of it.


Take ownership is used to make people ashamed of something they are not responsible for. But of course, someone will be publicly exposed.

Interessante Aufgaben

You learn


Limited because it’s small and they will that all energy until the moment you decide that there is nothing more there for you.



Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





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Hello you,

thank you for taking the time to share your opinion and feedback with us here. We really appreciate the time and effort you put into your words.
We are very sorry do hear that you haven’t made the best experience within Emma during your time in the company. We take your feedback very seriously and will discuss it internally to improve processes, leadership, and our work environment. It is always very valuable for us if you share feedback and improvement ideas already during your time working at Emma. You can always reach out to the HR department or our confidential partners as a person to talk about your opinion, discussions, work situation, conflicts etc. This gives us the chance to react and improve situations before someone leaves the company.

We wish you all the best for your future personal and professional life!

Thank for being a part of Emma.

Best wishes
your Employer Branding Team
