An outstanding place to work, genuine in their care of focus on the good of their employees and atmosphere.
The atmosphere created is very welcoming, everyone is extremely receptive to feedback and willing to help (and especially the people in managing positions). I never saw any interpersonal conflict or heard a bad word spoken about anybody in the company.
There's a big focus on making sure the communication works great in all aspects, both the psychological one (i.e. the psychological safety of asking a question or speaking up) and the praktical/technical one (active work on infromation flow, Slack channel distribution and best practices etc).
I love my colleagues and feel great around them. I also saw three new members join my team since I'm here and I in every case they were immediately comfortable, which I hope speaks to our inclusiveness and openness.
Everyone is passionate about the work, but we keep each other from working too much. The workweek is 40h and not more. We can take remote days pretty much anytime we want. We can also show up at work at 14 instead of 10, if that's our rhythm.
The company leadership is doing a wonderful job on a daily basis. As someone who wants to start my own company, I try to watch them carefully and I see great examples to follow. Furthermore, my boss supported me in my personal life in times of need beyond what would be required from our professional relationship. That was when I was still in the company only half-time and for a short period at that point.
~amazing hoodies~