Avoid this place at all costs!!!
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The founders hear your ideas and let you be involved in the product discussions.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
The management in IT is a mess and a disaster.
Management in IT bully colleagues who share ideas in front of the founders.
poor management makes the team feel unsure and anxious.
Management in IT also bullies employees who are enthusiastic and share ideas in front of the founders in a passive aggressive manner.
I have also experienced bullying from management.
i got fired after 3 months after being told all the time that my performance is great and we're gonna work a lot together in the future, it turned out all were lies to keep me going until the end of my probation period and to finish working on my projects.
colleagues in Iran were not collaborative and were hiding information and not communicative. the manager didn't do anything about it.
Also most of the engineers are freelancers working as permanent employees.
Tight schedules that requires weekends and overtime
In my 5 years career i have found in this company the worst management i could have experienced. no communication, no transparency at all and no sympathy.
i would never advise a women to work here
colleagues in Iran have very bad internet connection and communication with them is very hard
not a serious company to have a career in it