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Different perspective

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Freudenberg Home and Cleaning Solutions GmbH in Weinheim gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Career opportunities, both vertical and horizontal developments (I also observe many career changes/opportunities).
- Training opportunities and continuous growth.
- Compared to other industries, a lot of time for a private life (as working hours are still limited by Tarifverträgen), and flexibilities in home working hours.
- Company doctor and the best canteen, which makes a healthy and varied diet possible.
- Great inspiring leaders and a very open and uncomplicated exchange in networking.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- There could be a coffee machine with plant-based milk and a fruit basket.
- The onboarding process (But I recognize that it continuously improves and actively optimized).
- In terms of business operations, more process standards/procedures including more digitalization (which is also being actively worked on by departments).
- I observe very strict career steps in some areas that must be traditionally followed; I could imagine that more flexible promotion opportunities would make young employees more ambitious.


I wish that team leadership would be separated more often from technical responsibility and that especially young people with team leadership qualities would be allowed to take on these roles relatively soon. However, I already see improvements in this area and concrete examples where it works very well. This could be further encouraged


I am very satisfied with the work atmosphere at Freudenberg and especially FHCS. I feel highly valued by both my colleagues and the leadership team. The interactions are always pleasant and respectful, fostering a positive and appreciative environment.


My experiences with communication at Freudenberg have been generally positive. Feedback is given in a respectful manner, and successes are also appreciated.


I evaluate the feedback about the management level as very disrespectful and unconstructive. I hope that such feedback will be addressed in a more constructive manner through direct communication. I have also faced tough situations - for sure, but I believe this is normal at this level and business. Overall, I feel very supported and respected, and I believe that the leadership team is genuinely interested in fostering my career. I particularly appreciate the close interaction our CEO has with young talents, which is something I haven’t experienced in other companies before.

Interessante Aufgaben

I have a variety of tasks and learn from many experts around me, which keeps my work engaging. However, I would sometimes like to have more tasks with measurable output and more stakeholders contact in the future. This is, however, more due to my current position.


I am proud to work at Freudenberg.


I have had two training sessions so far and hope to receive more leadership development opportunities in the future. Freudenberg offers excellent programs in this area, and I am optimistic about being part of them. Additionally, my supervisor has informed me about various support options from FHCS for my extracurricular education, for which I am very grateful.




Umgang mit älteren Kollegen






Dear colleague,

Thank you very much for your detailed and constructive feedback!
We are very pleased to hear that you rate the career opportunities, the working atmosphere and the support from managers at Freudenberg so positively. It's great that you are aware of the continuous improvements, especially in onboarding and process digitalisation. Your suggestions for improvement, such as the separation of team management and technical responsibility, are very valuable and show your focus on future-oriented developments.

We are always open and grateful for new ideas or suggestions for improvement. This is the only way to develop further. Please feel free to contact us.

We hope you continue to enjoy your work and wish you all the best!

Best Regards
HR Marketing Team
