11 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
11 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
5 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen11 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
5 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Regular Team events for Team Building, gives you space and lot of room for personal growth, Quick decision making.
Welcoming, supportive & positive work environment.
Hybrid working model
Opportunity and gives lot of room for personal as well as professional growth
Fair and equal pay.
Consistent brainstorming to improve processes and work as a team
Welcoming, supportive and makes you feel comfortable
Gives space to perform and grow. Also, takes care of the well-being
Open communication and Transparency, also which lead to & helped in quick decision making, hence growth.
International team and multi-cultural with inclusivity.
Office was in a vibrant neighbourhood of Berlin.
Lack of empathy
Management and team-building course for senior management.
Mistrust, lack of communication and pressure. Very chaotic handling overall.
Colleagues expressed negative opinions about the company and management style.
Constant pressure, which forced to work overtime and work on weekends
There were some genuinely friendly colleagues with great skills. Overall safe setting for great bonding was not given.
Even a colleague who was part of company since the start burned out and disappeared without any communication. There was a noticeable level of burnout. Employee fluctuation was high.
The top management has narcissistic tendencies, showing little empathy and creating environment of pressure. Their leadership style was based on mistrust. Colleagues were motivated to spy on other colleagues and report office times. Bonuses or agreements were not honored. People were afraid to ask questions or speak up. There was often a rude and disrespectful tone in both emails and face-to-face interactions, even when employees made significant efforts to keep up with the workload and meet expectations. Management would terminate employees without any prior warning.
Big office, in great location. With a few meeting rooms and kitchen.
Yes, salaries were good. Another plus
Both women and men had equal opportunities, and the team was divers, which was a plus
Tasks were controlled and micromanaged
Store Managerin legt keinen Wert darauf
selbst als Minijobber konnte man keine Ruhe genießen
schlimm! deswegen gibts kein personal mehr
alles wird manipuliert und über Telefon abgesprochen damit es keine schriftlichen Beweise gibt
Teils sehr nette Kollegen, interessantes Produkt, cooler Standort des Office
- Die einzelnen Leute zählen gar nichts: Ein Mitarbeiter wurde entlassen kurz nach dem er Vater geworden ist und obwohl ihm sein Job zugesichert wurde
- Unmöglicher Umgang und Ton des Gründers/GFs mit seinen Leuten
- Es wird verlangt für zwei zu arbeiten
- Keine Transparenz
- Man hat Angst Fragen zu stellen und Fehler zu machen
Junges und modernes Führungsteam & Stil etablieren
Fairerweise teils sehr gutes Gehalt.
- there are some very nice colleagues that really dont deserve to be working in such an environment
- Unexpected layoffs that left employees bewildered. Promises of job security were broken as some individuals, assured of their continued employment, were let go just two weeks later. Others faced layoffs immediately after welcoming a new child into their lives. Furthermore certain employees were initially laid off, only to be asked to remain with the company a few days later. All under unusual pressure. This messy situation has shown a big difference between what the company says it believes in ("Glamfam") and how it actually treats its employees, which is very disappointing.
- Furthermore, the office environment has become toxic, with certain managers demonstrating inadequate leadership skills. Instances of team members being subjected to verbal abuse or public humiliation have gone unpunished, despite repeated reports to upper management about these concerns.
Very high workload is expected from everybody, unfortunately with too little appraisal.
Since the departure of the former CEO in mid-2022, the workplace environment has become increasingly challenging. The newly appointed CEO and Founder has imposed significant pressure not only on their direct reports but also on every member of the company. He frequently engages in inquisitive conversations while moving about the office, creating a tense atmosphere. Employees often find themselves publicly scrutinized during meetings, with the CEO adopting an assertive tone.
Nett Kollegin wenn man fragt wird einem auch geholfen
Über rennen mit allem was auf denn letzten drücker gemacht werden soll und nicht vorher schon kommunizieren
Mehr mit denn Lager Mitarbeiter kommunizieren und alle wissen lassen wan ansteht und dich Tipps einholen für einen möglichst besseren Verlauf
- Teamzusammenhalt & Support
- Offene Kommunikation & Feedback
- Super Produkt
- Sehr angenehmes Arbeitsklima
- Cooler Office Standort
Bei Glambou hatte ich immer das Gefühl, dass ich meine Meinung und Ansichten zu diversen Themen immer offen teilen kann. Feedback Loops sind immer sehr willkommen und werden ernst genommen, unabhängig vom Hierarchie Level.
Nur leere Versprechen und kein voran kommen im Unternehmen. Kommunikation fehlt komplett. Gehaltszahlungen unterirdisch!
Stress, stress and more stress
Team organisation is a total mess between freelancers, halftime, midi jobs, werkstundents and the team in CH with people who work one day on two
They want you to be always reachable. It was even written in my contract that I have to be reachable in my holidays and days off. Even if it's for a few minutes (sometimes more) it's not rare to have to work at the week-end.
The company is still quiet small so there are still lots to do before a"weiterbildung"
It's not a place where you make a carriere, I really had the feeling to waste my time and my skills have neither been used nor developed
On one side some people are friendly and are down to earth, on the other side some are arrogant (like rolling eyes while talking to you). Many people got the same background.
No really old people, everyone is in their twenties or thirties.
In those working full-time in the headquarters, nobody got kids.
Too much micro management and decisions which do not make sense.
The office is directly exposed to the sun which means it feels like 40°c in summer but unfortunately not warm enough in winter. The toilets are disgusting.
Location not really safe at night.
There are regular team meeting but no clear open communication
HR is clearly amateur, after I left the company they contacted me to know when was my starting day and how many holidays I had left. Seriously, aren’t they supposed to know that ?!
Could always be better, be no clear communication about how to get the bonus
There are clearly differences of treatments (and of trust). Many people were hired because they knew each other from previous jobs or because they are from the same friends circle.
Very disappointed overall. I applied for a job and at the end my tasks were very different. I learned nothing interesting.
So verdient kununu Geld.