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Save yourself and your career by not choosing GCP. There can’t be worse place to work than GCP

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2021 im Bereich IT bei GCP Grand City Property Ltd. in Berlin gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich


Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Operations management, HR not taking any action on complaints and keeping blind eye even after knowing or witnessing everything. They are good for nothing


HR should work on complaints. There has been multiple complaints from ex OP&A team member for manager but nothing was done.


Working atmosphere is a torture 2 people in my team went on month long sick leave because of mental harassment by manager in OP&A


Communication is of no use as you are not allowed to ask questions to your manager. Also HR is helpless and no use of communication with HR


Their is no 360 or even 180 evaluation only your manager evaluates you and if your manager does like you because you questioned management, they will try to ruin your life and career


You will be asked to take permission even if you want to attend doctors appointment


Managers are absolutely ridiculous. They don’t have much experience and tends to take things personally on their ego if you ask questions regarding management

Interessante Aufgaben

There is no interesting task as their is absolutely zero innovation in team. Tasks are redundant and you learning curve will flat out within no time.


All your rights are dependant on your connection with manager and if that happens to go bad even HR can’t do anything. HRs are just clueless people working in GCP


Their tech stacks and hardware stack is too out of the date. You will find yourself surrounded by issues almost every other day


Pay is way below market level


There can’t be more shittier place to work than GCP


Your career will be over as you will learn nothing and their is no career growth within company


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Hello dear colleague,

Thank you for your review. We value and respect your opinion and use constructive feedback to constantly improve. Of course, we take every employee complaint seriously and always process them carefully and reliably. We attach great importance to a good working atmosphere and communication at eye level. In this respect, we would also like to ask you to refrain from focusing on individual people, positions or departments.
We would be happy to discuss your evaluation with you and would be delighted if you would like to talk to us again in person. Please get in touch with your usual contact person in our HR department or send us an email at feedback(at)grandcityproperty.de.
We wish you all the best for your professional and personal future.

Best regards,
Your HR team
