Very positive experience in 4 years of working here
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Great atmosphere to work with, cool people, really good products.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
If I ever leave the company, it will be very hard to find a new job, because my expectations and standards are too high now.
Keep up the positive vibes, focus on employees and positive culture
The atmosphere in the team is mostly warm, collaborative and based on trust and respect. I perceive little "contest" between people. We're all working on one goal, and appreciating each other's accomplishments
The company has grown a lot over the last few years, so there is definitely still room for improvement when it comes to knowledge "pockets" or silos between team. But overall, communication is positive and I feel Management is authentically trying to be as transparent as possible with decisions, how the company is doing financially, strategy, and vision.
This may be varying from team to team, but from my perspective, I can say that I never feel uneasy about asking someone for support, or picking their brain about something I'm working on, even if they are in a different team. I feel the overall vibe is warm, friendly, and positive. Definitely people I like to hang out during lunch in the park and chat with.
There may be some strict deadlines now and then, but I felt I could always make sure that I make up for any overtime. I am not afraid to tell people that I'm at the dentist or need to take care of personal business because I know I am trusted to make up for any missed hours. I never felt my manager pressuring me accomplishing more than I was comfortable to, and felt was doable. Sometimes, people from Management have a kid on their lap or so during All hands, and some dads from C-level positions took some parental time off, so I feel they are also good role models to show there is a life that matters outside of work.
As said above, Management is trying its best to be as transparent as possible. I feel we can still improve further when it comes to taking feedback and working on creating equitable opportunities for all, but I see that there are initiatives trying to improve this in the future (for example regular bi-weekly or monthly employee survey).
Interessante Aufgaben
I feel grateful to say that I am very proud of the products we build, and all the things we accomplish around it. There is a mix of tasks and responsibilities, and work doesn't get old. As the company grows, there is always something interesting and new to do. Our All hands meetings with quarterly reviews are my favorite - they are filled with photos, screenshots and kudos to all the teams, and what milestones and challenges they reached that quarter. It's always inspiring to see how amazing the work is everyone is putting in each quarter. I'm glad to be working alongside so many talented, driven, and just simply good people.
I feel the company is actively trying to make sure there are women in leadership positions. Not just the teams that are seen as "softer" like psychology and HR, but also Tech. Unlike other companies, the diversity does not end before C-level. I think this not a given at all, and appreciate the effort.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
There are admittedly few older colleagues, but those around are respected and appreciated just as much.
We could maybe use a few better monitors in the office, but I feel we get all the equipment we need to work. When I needed a new laptop with higher specs, it was no issue at all. You can also get a monitor for your home office. Kitchen is always stacked to the brim with snacks, Muesli, Bio Lemonade, Mate.... Feels pretty comfortable working here. Some more meetings rooms would be good.
Always room for growth, but we do our best with separating trash, and some co-workers are very engaged with the topic. We even had a group for the topic of Climate Anxiety.
Very happy with my salary and benefits. The development and review process is a bit complex and bureaucratic, but I feel it is there to make sure everyone gets a fair share.
Among leading DIGA providers in Germany, and from what I hear, also seen as a leader in our field by many other companies
1000 Euro per year to be spent on training, workshops or congresses.