205 Bewertungen von Bewerbern
205 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
205 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,6 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
I had a well conducted interview, good preparation, friendly atmosphere and all questions answered openly. Remarkable were the quick response times both prior and after the interview.
Insgesamt ist das Bewerbungsverfahren sehr gut verlaufen. Im Prinzip gibt es keine negativen Punkte anzumerken. Das Gespräch an sich fand in einer angenehmen Atmosphäre statt und die Teilnehmer waren kompetent.
The task was upto the point.
The atmosphere was friendly.
No stress.
Well organized.
The whole application process was very well planned and executed. First mobile interview about my current situation and possibilities was very enjoyable as well. The process of checking documents went very fast and I got an appointment for a technical interview in about a week. The interviewer was very well prepared and the questions were related to my CV. The practical question was harder than expected. Unfortunately, I have not expected and be prepared for this type of question, so applicants should be informed before the interview, that there will be some Algorithm/ Data structures related question. The interviewer was very friendly and he answered all of my questions in details.
I really liked the walk through the office in the last part of the interview as well. Overall, a very pleasant experience.
super Eindruck
lockere Atmosphäre
Guter Austausch bzgl. des Projektumfeldes. Es wurden konkrete Fragen gestellt und beantwortet. Positiver Umgang mit Schwächen des Bewerbers.
- Been specifically asked for talks to join their company and now it is labelled as an unsolicited application.
- I never got an answer about the specific position I am considered for. Questions on this matter has been postponed for later each time during the whole application process.
- Haven't been taken seriously as an expert (despite presented history of professional activities in the field):
* Questions have been mostly about far fetched and only loosely related topics
* Strange looks, because I don't know their favourite scientist in a completely unrelated field of science
- One of the interviewers just left the room, (apparently toilet). Conversation with the other interviewer went on. No appeasement or information about that. I felt that pretty rude.
- Response after the Interview was not on time (as described by their timeline). Response got provided only after I asked about the overdue reaction.
- No feedback at all
Ich war von dem Online-Bewerbungsgespräch positiv überrascht und hoffe auf eine Beauftragung.
Habe eine vorgefertigte Absage erhalten, nach der es "eine Reihen von Bewerbern" gibt, die besser geeignet sind. Etwas seltsam, dass gleichzeitig die gleiche Stelle noch einmal neu ausgeschrieben wird. Unehrlich oder ganz normal? Für ein kurzes Feedback von Seiten des Unternehmens hat es jedenfalls leider nicht gereicht.
- There was no waiting before the interview.
- A kind talk in the interview.
- Company tour after the interview was very kind and informative.
Thank you!
So verdient kununu Geld.