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My experience with Marlin Green has been very valuable. In three words MG is: Friendly, Intense and Process-Oriented.

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Marlin Green GmbH in Düsseldorf gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The transparency, honesty and fairness that they give to you. Additionally the idea that everyone can be successful if you follow the process and work hard.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

As mentioned before the only point of improvement I see is on the structure of the career development which I know is already being solved by the CEO and managers at Marlin Green.


I consider that the company is very clear on the goals and tasks. But maybe it is necessary to give a bit more structure in the career development of any starter.


Very friendly Atmosphere. Do not get me wrong, is a hard-work company style, but all the people in this organization are very friendly and successful.


Communication is very straight forward. The managers here will correct you every-time there is any inconsistency with the process. Nonetheless this is necessary in order to learn how to become a better professional.


In sales competition will always be there. Nonetheless, the people in Marlin Green always try to help each other and not step on each others. Moreover, it is important to highlight that this typo of cooperation it is weird in Recruitment companies.


Even if the life at Marlin Green is intense, the people here come to work to be successful, not to just have a job. Therefore, the work life balance I had at Marlin Green was good because I liked to spend time at the office and whenever I had to solve any issues outside the company, my managers always support me with flexibility in the assistance.


Supervisors here are very strict. Nevertheless, this is important in any junior professional in order to progress. Additionally, managers in Marlin Green are very fair with your performance. They value hard work and discipline.

Interessante Aufgaben

The task given were many times very challenging. Every day I had to be focus in order to meet my key performance indicators. Sometimes it was a bit repetitive, but always challenging.


Very inclusive environment. The team is mostly conformed by European people but if you are from another place like myself, the treatment is exactly the same. Therefore I was consider here as equal as anyone else. Moreover there is no discrimination in any form that I experienced or any person I met at Marlin Green.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Everyone in Marlin Green is very friendly. I consider the environment here makes you feel like you belong here since day one.


The working conditions in MG are very comfortable. The building has a modern design. The office is very interactive. The lighting is sufficient. Water and coffee are always available. And the location is in the center of Dusseldorf.


The Salary is sufficient for a starter in Marlin Green. Additionally, if you follow the process, the salary you will earn plus commission will be higher than many other companies in the same industry.


Marlin Green is a very respected company in Europe. Additionally the reputation that has in the client and candidate side is very high. Everyone that has contact with Marlin Green is always expecting quality in the service provided.


The process of the carrier development still needs to be well defined. Nonetheless it is very clear when you start what are the goals and tasks to be completed in order to achieve the next step.

