From beloved fintech giant with a vision to faceless corporate hellhole
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
That I got away from it in time.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Virtually, literally and constantly everything.
Stop being emotionless, money-hungry jerks and listen to people who know stuff instead of jumping on every shortlived hype train, just to fail and disappoint everyone。
Keep your head low, lick boots or get laid off
Do what they tell you to and don't look around or ask questions
Hot mix of unhappy, afraid nobodies and indoctrinated, incompetent bootlickers
You are expected to "live to work", not "work to live"
CEO and his goons push agendas, team leads are told too keep the teams blind to it and focus on their tasks
Interessante Aufgaben
With tons of lay-offs 90% of everyone is trying to keep the now orphaned, but critical systems alive. No time for innovation (beside adding AI bots to everything that doesn't need it) or improvements.
Ultra-woke. Say "guys" and get a warning from HR.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
All laid off by now
Refused hard to allow home office for a very long time, now "after" C-19 trying everything to get rid of it again.
A sad joke
Used to be something, now an insult and laughing stock
If you're good at licking boots and promoting Ceo-liked propaganda you can climb ranks. If you have a different opinion or just do the most important tasks behind the scenes, be ready to get laid off at the first chance.