18 Bewertungen von Bewerbern
18 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
18 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
I had a terrible experience with K&S. Let me start from the beginning. I received a call from K&S for a position I hadn't applied for. The HR contacted me and asked about my knowledge and expertise. After that, she explained everything about the position, including the software they use. She mentioned setting up an online interview to discuss my professional experience and show me their tasks. I was surprised by the invitation, and she offered me two positions to choose from, saying that they would decide the following week. Can you please provide me with the exact interview date and details?
HR call : 2nd July.
Positions details and interview confirmation mail: 2nd July.
Interview date: Fri 12 Jul 2024 1:30pm – 3pm.
On July 12th, after the interview, they happily mentioned that they would like to hear from me in the following week. I expressed my interest in the task they explained and completed it as per their request. I waited throughout the week, but they didn't pick up my call. After my second call the next day, they picked up and informed me that they were in the interview phase with someone who had applied in the meantime. They said they would come back to me in the next week. I'm confused because initially, they said they would promptly review my application. I tried following up the next week, but after one week, they informed me that both the interviewer and the manager would be on vacation until the end of August. They mentioned that after their vacation, they would invite me for a second round on-site interview.
I had my 3rd interview on September 9th, on-site. When I arrived, they unexpectedly conducted the interview in German, despite our previous agreement to conduct it in English. I had informed them during the initial call that I could only speak at an A2 level in German, but they assured me it wouldn't be a problem. My first online interview was conducted in English, and during the 3rd interview on-site, they suddenly mentioned that they were now looking for someone who could speak German. This was a really tough experience for me at K & S. It was very disappointing to be told, after two interviews and a long wait, that they were looking for someone with German language skills. They wasted my time, and after the 3rd interview, they simply called to say they had found someone who speaks German and couldn't offer me the position. It was really disheartening, and I will not be considering K & S in the future. I also won't be recommending them to others.
Wieso genau diese Stelle
Bewerber nicht wie Müll behandeln. Wenn es schon nicht einmal eine automatische Eingansgbestätigung gibt, sollte man Bewerber, die versuchen, den Ansprechpartner telefonisch zu erreichen wenigstens nicht abgewimmelt werden, weil der AP nie zu erreichen ist. Schlechtester Umgang mit Bewerbern in der ganzen Region.
Schnellerer und klarer Prozess, Feste Termine für Rückmeldungen und wenn Ihr anbietet die Reisekosten zu übernehmen, dann zahlt diese auch!
Es gab weder eine Eingangsbestätigung noch, auch nach 6 Wochen, irgendeine Rückmeldung. Das Problem wurde hier schon öfters beschrieben, daher wäre es zu empfehlen wenigstens eine automatische Eingangsbestätigung zu verwenden. Dies würde weniger für Verunsicherung sorgen.
Sich besser verkaufen
Beim nach der Initiativbewerbung durchgeführten Telefoninterview wurde wenig bis gar nichts über zukünftige Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Jobperspektiven in der Firma erzählt, stattdessen wurde ein Stressinterview geführt, in welchem der Lebenslauf zerpflückt wurde.
Gründe für Wechsel des Studiengangs; Studienwahl; warum jetzt in IT-Security / Programmierung, wenn vorher etwas anderes studiert, im Grunde alles, was im Lebenslauf nicht 100% perfekt ist
- sehr offene und faire Gespräche
So verdient kununu Geld.