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Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT gearbeitet.


Listen to the people and step down from the ivory tower


The IT department that has been understaffed for the longest time has been completely let go and was kind of replaced. The CTO has its own ways and does not seem to care about the people who are needed to bring ideas into actions.


Communication is a hassle. There are no clear paths for communication and decisions are hardly ever documented. This leads to different expectations for the development process.


Mostly people found their ways to spread the information that was needed. Don‘t know how it is now, as most people are not around anymore.


Startup business I guess. Sometimes better and other times deadlines have to be met at any cost necessary


In the end it was very hard to watch the decision being made. Out of touch with the people who were working there and gave their everything, decisions were made that forced a lot of staff to leave the company

Interessante Aufgaben

The product and ideas are interesting, but at times it is hard to see the long term vision


Everybody is treated alike and the company is supporting equality


Office is nice. Remote work was recently reduced.


The public seems to be very interested in the success of the company


Hard to see a way to grow into new positions here other than changing your department

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



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People & Culture

Thank you for your feedback about your time at LINDERA.
We are sorry that you found our communication and decision-making structure to be less than transparent.
We had to make many restructuring decisions last year, which were not only necessary to achieve our goals, but also to provide our employees with a stable basis in the long term. We succeeded. We discussed this restructuring with all employees to give them the opportunity to actively participate in the process. This resulted in a lot of movement and a high level of motivation in many places. We are very aware that this is associated with a lot of unrest and uncertainty at times. Our wish is to involve employees in our decisions as best as possible. If we didn't do this well in some places, we would like to apologize. Our aim is to provide professionally open, honest and direct communication. It is not always easy to manage, but according to our standards it is still essential in order to move forward together.
We welcome exchanges and constructive criticism at any time and will therefore take your feedback as an opportunity to critically examine our communication structure.
We wish you all the best for your future.

Your People & Culture Team of LINDERA
