Awesome or Horrible. It depends on the department.
The team is really helpful and smart as most of the employees at MBition. However, in my department the stress and lack of structure prevailed
which led to a depressed mood and lack of motivation.
I can only agree with the other reviews. There are managers who really do everything to create an orderly and solid work and to develop their team. Unfortunately, there are other managers who are restlessly overwhelmed with their role and simply should not be a people Lead. Communication is sometimes done behind the back, lies are told to make themselves look better in front of the C-Level. Good ideas are sometimes suppressed or sold as "their own".
The colleagues and the team is great and everyone sticks together.
Also as mentioned in the other reviews, there are teams where the
workload barely fills the day. Others don't have time to eat lunch and are terrorized by their (so-called) Managers until late at night. There is official talk of a 10-hour rule, but utopian deadlines are set and people work on 5 topics at the same time. Again: depending on the department!
Excellent on a personal basis. Overwhelmed on a professional basis.
Interessante Aufgaben
This company has potential beyond measure. Hopefully some things will change for all people that still try to give it all there!
The office and environment is great and you can tell that the C.E.O cares about moving the company forward!
There is a variable bonus that reduces the fixed salary. It is simply outdated and, above all, not fair with regard to the workload and the industry.
I also see further development as very team-dependent. It depends on whether your manager really and honestly supports you or ignores your ideas and simply sees you as a service provider who puts out the fire for which they themselves were responsible.