134 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
134 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
123 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen134 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
123 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Vorteile durch die Mutterorganisation
Das Management ist sehr schlecht und es werden zu oft radikale Entscheidungen getroffen.
- solides Gehalt und Arbeitsbedingungen wenn man zu den Gewinnern gehört. Remote kann hier in viele Teams wirklich gelebt werden.
- mehr Transparenz bei Sonderzahlungen und Beförderungen
- die Mitarbeiter nicht wie dumme Kinder behandeln mit nutzlosen PR Aussagen und prätentiösen Wertekampagnen. Stattdessen mehr Verantwortung und gutes Verhalten vorleben und belohnen.
Stark teamabhängig
Alles sehr random, aber gut, wenn man weiß wie man spielen muss
Teilweise deutlich höhere Gehälter als anderswo, leider aber auch viel Ungerechtigkeit und keinerlei Transparenz zb bei Beförderungen oder Sonderzahlungen
Kein besonderer Augenmerk. Grade als Automobiltochterfirma könnte man wenigstens so tun als ob.
Stark teamabhängig
Viele ungeschulte Führungskräfte, die das einfachste Arbeitsrecht nicht kennen.
Leider wird viel gelogen um Mitarbeiter bei der Stange zu halten, nicht zu befördern, und um letztlich den Headcount der eigenen Abteilung zu steigern.
Es wird sehr wenig Verantwortung übernommen, solange nicht gerade eine von HR geplante Kampagne läuft.
Hardware top, Gebäude flop
Trotz Zusicherungen und viel Tamtam bei Neueinstellungen, haben Frauen oft Nachteile wie:
- schlechtere Gehälter
- schlechtere Aufstiegschancen
- allgemein weniger Respekt durch insbesondere Führungskräfte
- Abzüge bei Boni durch Elternzeit
Stark teamabhängig
Best benefits I have seen so far, company pays 50 Euros per month for home office or health/sport stuff you buy, additionally it pays the BVG company ticket.
Unfortunately for me the tasks where not interesting enough.
Advertise more within Germany so the company is known more in the software developers sphere.
Internationality is good, but I think it would be a benefit if more than 3 out of 100 people in a German company actually spoke german.
Very chilled office with a coffice with a table-tennis table and a barista coffee machine, modern open-plan office rooms with relax corners, free coffee and fruits. Barbecue on the roof. Mostly nice colleagues from around the world.
100% remote work is standard for all developers.
The mother company Mercedes has it's image, but even in the software engineering sphere, noone seems to know MBition.
40 hrs per week. Don't know if other plans are possible.
You can decide to go for a leading role if you want after one or two years or so.
Courses on common learning platforms are paid by the company.
My salary was very good, many colleagues complained about theirs. Maybe a matter of negotiation.
In my team, it was very good. Team events on a regular basis.
My team had a friendly and competent team leader.
Many townhalls and informative meetings held by the management. Standard I would say.
Quite some women in the software division, also in leading roles
It's only the infotainment system for Mercedes cars, unfortunately nothing else was developed when I was working there. Sub-tasks where quite interesting occasionally, but overall I would have wished to work on some cool stuff like AI or so.
Ist halt ein Autounternehmen
Very flexible
Need a more detailed documentation for on-boarding
Good work environment, except unheated garage
Fehlen eines klaren und messbaren Karrierewegs
Perks, stability
Time to process and decide, low chance of promotion
Give more flexibility to the teams. They'll get the job done
It's awesome that the work-atmosphere can genuinely be called "start-up-like" (i.e. friendly, easygoing, with lots of freedoms) but at the same time you receive all the benefits of working at a large company. So no unpaid overtime or leave, and all the security that comes from the backing of a brand like Mercedes-Benz.
So far nothing major worth mentioning.
Promote the connection to Mercedes-Benz more and work on improving the company-wide communication.
The atmosphere is very easygoing and "hands-off", meaning, though MBition is by no means a small start-up anymore, you are very much free to achieve results as you see fit on the daily. Which is remarkable given the size of the company and close integration with Mercedes-Benz.
The image, internally as well as externally, is good but the company is not widely known yet. The biggest problem is that many people (externally) don't understand the association with Mercedes, that MBition is a 100% subsidiary and why the company doesn't promote this more. This leads to some "class-thinking" within employees (occasionally) though there are no differences on the day-to-day basis actually.
For a standard 40-hour-work-week, it's been very fair. You get to communicate your work-load directly with your chef. Leaving early is no problem, if you need to. Homeoffice is always a given. There are times (particularly during events) where it might be a bit more, but extra hours are always compensated afterwards.
MBitions is trying to give women in IT-jobs as much support as possible, through support groups, but other than that there is definitely more they could still do in this regard.
There are many career opportunities, but since the company is way to large to be called a start-up, it is not in the same vain as "you just ask your boss for a promotion". Promotions arise more traditionally, but you can always talk to your boss about a raise.
Since the work is centered around small-teams, it will depend on your direct co-workers. Has been very collegial and friendly for me.
So far, has been nothing but exemplary.
The working conditions are great, your time is valued and the pay is good for that. Homeoffice is always possible, as well as working in the office. Though many of the devs, of course, also need to be in the office for working on prototypes. Other than that, there are good benefits like Job Rad and a mobility budget and some nice get-togethers and events, which are luckily not overbearing and mandatory.
Communication is great and direct within your own (small) teams, but a lot slower when it comes to cross-team problems, and especially so, when trying to communicate directly with Mercedes-Benz. C-Level communication though, so far, has been exemplary.
They pay is good and on par with what companies this size pay in the Software Industry. However, in some cases it is still lower than what the parent company Mercedes-Benz pays, and their employees usually work a 35-hour week and not 40h. This could definitely still improve.
Equal opportunity is lived at MBition. Due to the dev-heavy line of work, there are still many more men than women, but this is not for a lack of trying to hire more women. The company is highly international, with probably most of the employees being from abroad.
The company is immensely complex; this has pros and cons. It takes time to understand who is working on what and how the integration with Daimler works, but that makes it so that there is never a dull day. I immediately got a lot of freedom to experiment and explore new directions in Marketing as well.
Thema, Mitarbeiter, Standort. Alles prima.
So verdient kununu Geld.