it is not worth it ...
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
cake for new employees, Amazon 25 euros birthday cards
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
all the rest:
no planning, no organiation, no open communication, disrespecful comments to other workers, not acknowlege the value of the co-workers
focus more on people and work, not in useless events that doesn't fix the chaos you have in the office and the company
equal rights ( days of holiday, make everyone 30 days not some people 28 and some 30)
allow everyone to do homeoffice not depending on your team leader ...
Everyone focuses on how to sell themselves not existing teamwork or acknowledgement by the managers and team leaders of the good work performed
Some people end doing home office not to step into the building
No communication at all... not within team not with other team.
Managers afraid of giving communication to their team-mates even the one needed to perform the job.
Little communications and always late.
people just think on themselves
overtime because of bad organisation by manegers and team leader if you step with one of them
Even women seem to make it difficult to other women to improve their position
only good thing, a fair salary for the positions performed
As far as I know, no training for freshers.
One general re-fresh training for everyone (not taking into account experience)
No posibilities to grow there and make a career. You would stay where you started!