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Unprofessional and unethical Indian companies in Germany

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT bei Microfuzzy gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Nobody working there likes anything about this employer, they are just working there due to their personal circumstances.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

This company doesn’t deserve to be in market, full of worst corporate culture people and without any ethics. Companies like KPIT should dissolve then only people will have some ethics and beliefs towards corporate world.


- Workers council should be established in order to address all the politics going in teams and by managers.
- Higher authority should be changed as current structure has no potential to change unethical things happening.


Don’t deserve even single star- Worst Work place and lot of politics. Even after complaints and escalation they just act like they are clean slate. The Organisation hierarchy itself is filled with corrupt managers, HRs and CEOs, experts in suppressing their work culture issues instead of solving.


Selfish Colleagues who don’t even bother to speak up if something unethical happens around them. Ignore as if they didn’t see anything. Worst work environment


Micromanaging and Managers torture their employees to satisfy their ego seeing employees work overtime and stressed without vaild need


Unprofessional and unethical managers and technical leaders. None of the manager in Entire KPIT hierarchy is professional. They behave like rude politicians and think they can treat employees as they wish.

Interessante Aufgaben

Nothing is interesting here expect corporate politics, How well they dissolve issues escalated from employees and how unprofessional managers use their powers to play with job security of their team members.


Kpit is always famous for its corporate politics in india and now in Germany. They intentionally kept only Pune based people in the Entire hierarchy so that they can violate all the corporate ethics and take decisions. They are just hiring other nations employees to increase their shares price. They fire them in probation without valid reason. Managers here take decisions not based on work but based on their ego satisfaction.


Horrible work culture, corporate politics


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