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13 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern

kununu Score: 4,2Weiterempfehlung: 77%

13 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,2 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

10 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.

Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt

Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.

Tolle Produkte/Projekte. Tolles Team. Alles super!

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement gearbeitet.


Immer toll im Office gewesen


Ich konnte immer alles gut miteinander verbinden (Privat + Job)


Das MVST-Team ist super

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Es gab nicht wirklich alte Kollegen im Team


Immer für einen da. Wenn man ein Problem hatte konnte man immer auf die Co-Founder zu gehen


Alles top! Equipment, Office-Lage, ...


Es gab jede Woche ein Weekly Allhands mit wöchentl. Updates

Interessante Aufgaben

Ich habe die Projekte im Healthumfeld geliebt. Das war wirklich top. Die Vielfalt an Themen







Das Beste kommt zum Schluss.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Offsites, Events
- Flexible Arbeitszeiten und Vertrauen
- Kollegenzusammenhalt

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Siehe oben


- Vetternwirtschaft abschaffen (HR sollte nicht mit Gründern seit dem Kindergarten befreundet sein?)
- Verpflichtende Fortbildung in Führungskräftemanagement
- Mitarbeitende genauso ernst nehmen wie sich selbst
- Selbstreflektion lernen und Feedback Kultur ernst nehmen
- Transparente und Faire Gehälter
- Offboarding Gespräche?
- sich bei untereinander befreundeten Kollegen nicht über andere Kununu Bewertungen lustig machen


Respekt wird hier kleingeschrieben, Feedback Kultur gibt es nicht. Feedback wird belächelt aber nicht umgesetzt.


Ich denke nicht, dass diese Mini Software Bude irgendein „Image“ vorzuweisen hat


Gut. Möglichkeit zum Homeoffice und flexible Arbeitszeiten waren gegeben.


Es wurde mir eine Position versprochen für nach dem Studium. Auch in die langfristige Planung wurde ich miteinbezogen über Monate. Während den Verhandlungen wurde mir plötzlich eine niedrigere Position angeboten mit einem lächerlichen Gehalt.


Als Werkstudent ok. Als Vollzeitangestellter bodenlos (<40k trotz Master, Berufserfahrung und langjähriger Firmenzugehörigkeit)


Relativ gut, Papierlos. Mülltrennung könnte verbessert werden.


Die Kollegen haben die Firma zusammen gehalten. Ich habe hier Freunde fürs Leben gefunden, generell ist das Team großartig gewesen bis auf wenige Ausnahmen.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Gab es nicht wirklich.


Kann man nicht beschreiben, muss man erlebt haben. - Nicht. Kein Respekt, keine Förderung, kein Feedback. Pure Ignoranz und Herabwürdigung stehen an der Tagesordnung. Habe erst im neuen Job erfahren, wie es sein sollte.


Gute Ausstattung bezgl. Technik und Arbeitsgeräten.


Kommunikation war quasi nicht vorhanden. Wenig bis gar kein Kontakt zum Vorgesetzten (manchmal mehrere Wochen) kein Feedback, kein Interesse.


Wenn man zu den Lieblingen gehört bringt es einem viel. Wenn nicht ist man unsichtbar. Leadership Team war befreundet/ Verwandt. Extra benefits für enge Freunde (u.a. Firmenwagen für HR- für was??). Viele verschiedene Kulturen und Länder vertreten, das war schön.

Interessante Aufgaben

Man konnte sich seine Aufgaben suchen und selbst priorisieren. Fachliche Führung gab es jedoch nicht.

2Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich2Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen

Great place to work. Even better place to learn. An awesome place to make things happen

FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Design / Gestaltung gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Innovative team, insane amount of skills that you can develop. The just-do-it mentality.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich



Nothing to add. Obviously, there is always something to improve. But at MVST, feedback is heard and initiatives get taken immediately to improve the status quo, which is the most important part for me.


Inspiring, fresh, easy to navigate


MVST has a great image due to the way it works (accepts primarily projects that are interesting to work on, pays for yearly off-sites, etc)


High willingness to achieve the best for a project from everyone, but also the option to work flexible hours.


Everyone is very invested into your career and there is plenty of check ins with superiors


The best and most inspiring team-work I've encountered


An open ear for everyone at all times.


Siloes get prevented pro-actively

Interessante Aufgaben

Mentality of the founders and the leadership team is that a client that doesn't respect what we do is not worth pursuing. We strive for interesting projects, not the ones that only bring money



Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich1Zustimmenstimmt zuMeldenTeilen

A great place to work

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I have never seen an employer who flies their remote team and other offices three/four times a year to do team bonding activities and do some cool offsites in sunny spots in Europe, hackathons and even Oktoberfest where the team comes to Munich to celebrate. Especially with remote work, its amazing that the company does this to bring everyone together and give the employees the opportunity to meet face to face, build a connection and work on cool projects! Kudos :)


At MVST, the working atmosphere is exceptional, particularly if you are the type of person who thrives in environments centered around innovation and entrepreneurship. You'll find yourself surrounded by like-minded individuals, who are filled with motivation and creativity. What truly sets MVST apart is the support and friendliness exhibited by everyone, including the founders. Their very transparent and are always approachable and willing to address any concerns. Openness and collaboration are two key aspects which makes MVST the ideal workplace.


Having previous agency experience, MVST cares deeply about the wellbeing of its employees, the leadership actually cares about us as people and goes up and beyond to ensure that we are not just numbers and that we are not being overworked, we have flexible working hours so if we have important appointments which cannot be reschedule we could easily attend and make up for the hours later (if there weren´t any client or important meetings of course), apart from having no office policy so you can choose whether or not you want to be at the office or work from home.


Apart from Udemy courses which are always available to take. MVST offers 1500€ for learning and development, employees can fly in and out to attend workshops, conferences and learning is highly supported. In terms of career development, you will always get the chance to reflect on your tasks, career path at the company and have an open and honest conversation about it with the supervisor during the quarterly 1on1s.


Benefits are insanely good, and always trying to compete with the market and introduce new benefits to enhance motivation and the wellbeing of their employees. Salaries are good but there is always room of improvement, however given that its a startup I imagine its also difficult to match everyone´s expectations at the moment.


Incredible people, one thing about MVST, is that all the employees including the founders are very humble and approachable. Its a super collaborative environment where working as a team and mutual support is highly valued, and colleagues become friends and people you hang out with/share memories outside of work as well.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

MVST is a relatively young company, so nothing to say here :)


Like any supervisor of course you will have busy managers, who are trying to keep the business running, which is quite understandable and it might lead to postponing meetings and sometimes delay in answers. However, they were always there to attend any concerns i have had whenever I showcased urgency of the matter, other than that we focus on having frequent updates via slack or weekly´s. My supervisor always tells me to keep lines of communication open/and to always address him with any concerns even minor ones and so I always have and he was always there to clear out any challenges in my way. Our relationship is built on trust, being self-reliant and independent, you will have the space to make decisions and be responsible over your own area as understandably they cannot be available 24/7 to support and manage everyone´s tasks directly.


Flexible, supportive environment


I never had any problems with communication at MVST, whenever I had a concern I would approach my supervisor and my teammates and they would help me clarify it right away. Transparency is very appreciated. We have all hands meetings every week/month where the co-founders share new insights about the team/projects and so on and leave space for the employees to address any questions or concerns both anonymously or in person.




Interessante Aufgaben

1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich2Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen

Please take some time to educate yourself on what it means to be a good leader.

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


Please take some time to educate yourself on what it means to be a good leader and improve communication with your employees. Currently, there's a lack of proper leadership in place.

Just to look at the Kununu review below: Instead of offering/ executing exit interviews, and showing genuine interest in your people, the current approach seems to be to add favorable Kununu reviews, focusing only on addressing the negative aspects mentioned in previous reviews.

And I suppose you'll offer me a discussion in your comments in the next few days, but let's be real. This is something that should be addressed during the offboarding phase, not months after an employee has left the company.

Start treating all your employees equally. There shouldn't be favorites who are more valued by the supervisors. Every employee contributes significantly every day, and if you continue like this, you'll soon realize that the business can't be sustained by just 2-3 people.


The overall atmosphere was awesome, with everyone communicating on the same level. Colleagues were always ready to help, and even outside of work, everyone enjoyed meeting at the espresso machine for a quick chat!


Please do your homework and take the time to thoroughly read through the feedback on Kununu and Glassdoor... Do some self-reflection and consider what needs to be changed. Simply adding two 4-5 star ratings on Kununu to offset a negative one is not a genuine improvement.


You get an incredible amount of trust and flexibility at MVST. Home office, remote work, workation, and flexible working hours are definitely not only trending buzzwords here - they're fully lived out!


Career and personal development mean more than just offering Udemy courses for €15 or supporting attendance at specific workshops. We were supposed to have development discussions with our supervisors three times a year, but these talks were often postponed (sometimes by as much as 2-3 months - the reason? New client meetings or private stuff!), and asking for a salary raise or promotion felt pointless unless you were a favorite. It's time to learn what it truly means to coach and develop your employees and invest in your most valuable resources - your employees.


The benefits are pretty good for a startup, but when it comes to salary, it feels more like a typical agency setup. It doesn't quite match up to Munich standards or any competitive salary you would expect. Plus, it seems like they're starting to outsource work to Spain and matching Munich salaries with those in Spain, which honestly is not really competitive ;)


I believe there's plenty of room to improve here, especially by starting again with initiatives like pro bono work with NGOs and organizing end-of-year donations to make a real difference.


I've always valued my colleagues a lot. They're the main reason I stuck around at MVST for so long. The great atmosphere within the team and the fun we had together really made my time there great. They were like a breath of fresh air, balancing out the toxic leadership culture at MVST.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

The team was generally very young, so I cannot say much about that :)


Once again, this is an area where I feel like giving a zero-star rating. The communication often felt discouraging, with little appreciation for your own contributions to the company. It seems like one is often being ignored or overlooked in favor of other employees or potential new customers.
Even when asking for feedback or discussing personal development goals, these requests were frequently overlooked or disregarded. What's even worse is that they were sometimes changed based on the supervisor's current mood.
It's disappointing to see how much things have changed at MVST in the last months. Unfortunately, I think the leaders have ignored to educate themselves in what it means to be a good leader and how to deal with a workforce of over 50 people.


As the company grew, we were promised a move to a new location several times. Only a few employees, again - the favorites of the founders - were invited to check out potential spaces and share their thoughts. But this process dragged on without any updates, except for vague mentions during our monthly meetings.

Although we added two phone booths to help with the noise in our small, open office, it was still tough when everyone was on calls at once.

But hey, the office looked really nice, and the founders and HR were always open to hearing new ideas!


I really want to give a zero-star rating for communication. It's frustrating when important meetings about career, salary, and promotions with my supervisor keep getting postponed, often without any explanation or because of sudden client meetings (maybe you should start with prioritizing your existing workforce instead of new business and cash coming in...).
Unfortunately, my direct superior often communicated in a cold and condescending way. Even after asking multiple times, either through Slack or in person, I was mostly ignored or talked down to.
Direct and constructive feedback was rare (neither given nor accepted)
and when it did happen, it was usually followed by more belittling remarks. And it didn't stop there... you could really feel that people are talking your back behind your back. And just to be clear, this is all about the relationship with the supervisors, not the colleagues ;)
Most of the communication seemed to be limited to just a select few individuals within the company, typically the founders and their favored people. Perhaps this could be an opportunity to embrace and cultivate your so-called flat hierarchies and startup culture.


Among colleagues, there was a clear sense of equality. Nobody felt discriminated against or left out. Everyone was included, and diversity of opinions was appreciated by all.
However, this inclusive atmosphere wasn't mirrored from the top down. As a prior Kununu review put it: "Get to be a favorite or die tryin"... - especially in terms of communication, promotions, and sharing information.

Interessante Aufgaben

I always had fun and diverse tasks to tackle. I loved being proactive and coming up with new ideas. Whenever I needed help, I knew who to ask. Plus, I had supportive colleagues who were eager to push exciting projects forward.

2Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich2Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen

great Company in Munich & Barcelona

Hat bis 2023 im Bereich IT gearbeitet.


full freedom - working from home or office in Munich or Barcelona


development budget for each employee


Great team - really enjoyed working together


hands-on working together


great hardware products


fast-paced and straightforward - I like that way





Umgang mit älteren Kollegen


Interessante Aufgaben


Nice environment and place to work and learn

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2023 im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Spirit, Speed, Space for taking ownership,


The office situation in Munich could be improved - but due to the possibility to work remotely nothing which were interferring that much


The work atmosphere was always great


I had a nice split between office and homeoffice. Everyone decides where to work


Team-work makes the dream work


Communication with my boss was always perfect. Sometimes the feedback loops were a bit bigger


The communication is super open. Even the founders are still part of a lot of project work and sharing weekly updates every Friday about latest company news

Interessante Aufgaben

Super interesting stuff to work on - especially in my department was a lot of groundwork to get started with - my learning curve was super high





Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



HilfreichHilfreich?1Zustimmenstimmt zuMeldenTeilen

"this used to be a funhouse but now its full of evil clowns" - P!nk

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2023 für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Team & Benefits

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Manager behaviour.


Listen to your employees, listen to their concerns, listen to their ideas, grab a book and get educated in how to lead a company. And most of all don't treat longstanding, loyal employees like your enemies. If money is more important to you than a solid foundation of trustworthy employees, your ship will sink. Sooner or later.


The working atmosphere with the team was always fun. Everyone liked everyone else and everyone got on well together. It was a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. With the bosses, however, especially the one who was responsible for my department, it was the complete opposite. He clearly lets you know who his favourites are and who are not. If you're not, your performance is usually being ignored or belittled. No matter how hard you try.


Not all that glitters is gold.


We had the opportunity to work from home, without office rules and with flexible working hours, which I really liked. I almost never had to work overtime (maybe this only applies to my specific department). On the few occasions when I did, I was able to take half a day off almost immediately.
Spontaneous holiday requests were always approved and it was never a problem if you had external appointments, e.g. with the doctor.


We had trash cans for different kinds of trash and almost a paperless office.
Social awareness was realized by supporting NGO's in their digital presence pro bono.


404 career not found. And about development, well I had to hope my boss was generous enough to pay for cheap udemy courses, even though in my contract it said I am given 1.500€ development budget. Never could use it.


The team was the only reason for me to stay that long. We had everyones back, business and private. Always honest and open to try to change stuff that wasn't working well. I made some true friends here, which I will forever be grateful.


I don't even know where to start. When i first started my job here it seemed my boss and I had the same visions, aims and ideas. Rather sooner than later it developed into what you call a toxic relationship these days.
I was being ignored, my suggestions, thoughts and concerns were being belittled. There were times he made me cry and doubt myself. He never failed to make me feel that I and my work were a burden for him. And what he did best was keep me guessing. Why keep me waiting and around when you clearly don't want me here? There were a few times when I discussed it with him and guess what - he promised to change... Well take a wild guess....
But it was not just me, remember when I said he has his favorites? I saw his same behavior with other colleagues, that did nothing but a good job and try to keep up with his mood swings. In the end for me his lack of respect and empathy towards his employees is what probably will kill the vibe in this company completely. To this day I am waiting for my exit interview, which was never initiated by my boss, and its for sure not my job. Its like you never existed, and keep in mind we didn't separate on bad terms, yet it feels like it.


The office situation in Munich was not the worst but also not the best. Noise cancelling headphones were your best friend because the space was quite small. With some time we got phone booths which helped a lot.
Hardware was up to date. The lights were more for decorative purposes, but after calling it out a few times we eventually got desk lights which improved the lightning extremely.
With the new spaceous office in Barcelona, a significant improvement has been achieved here. Shoutout to HR for making it also super comfy and modern.


This place can't communicate.
There are no real existing workflows. Everyone just does what they think, which often leads to misunderstandings, missing information and therefore delays in work results.
When it comes to my CEO again, I am simply amazed at how people fall into the role of a leader without ever having dealt with the 1x1 of people management. You can clearly see that here. Communication was never learnt here. Approaches are pushed through, regardless of whether it fits or not. These are then overturned every few weeks. There were plenty of opportunities to address this particular problem. But nothing was changed here. I wonder to this day how the company can still exist.


Obviously no one taugt them "thou shalt not lie" because when I read "competitive salary" in their job advertisements they either are trying to make a joke or are just straight up lying. MAYBE it's competitive somewhere in this world. But for sure not where I live. It's below average.
About social benefits, I understand that its quite hard for a "startup" to provide such things so I give them that.


Get to be a favorite or die tryin'

Interessante Aufgaben

There were a lot of them. But with the lack of interest in my department and the more or less complete neglect, I was stuck at one point.
This company has a lot of development potential, you just have to listen to your employees from time to time. It's not a one-man-show.

3Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich3Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen


HR-TeamHR Manager

Thank you for sharing your feedback.

We’re sorry to hear that your experience with us was not positive. We have carefully reviewed your feedback, and while we may disagree with some points, we believe all feedback is valuable.
We sincerely regret that you didn’t discuss your concerns with HR while you were still with us. We were not aware of any issues you mentioned. We offer multiple channels for addressing concerns, including weekly anonymous surveys, regular one-on-one meetings, and an “open door” culture where everyone can speak freely to everyone (including our founders) at any time.
If you still feel the need to discuss your feedback and concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us directly (in person).

Our HR team, including our founders Niklas and Philipp, would be happy to chat.
We hope your next job will fulfill the needs you are looking for.
Best wishes for your career,


Großartiges Unternehmen mit tollem Team und positiver Atmosphäre

Werkstudent/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement gearbeitet.


könnte etwas höher sein







Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Interessante Aufgaben



Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2023 im Bereich Design / Gestaltung gearbeitet.








Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Interessante Aufgaben


Wir setzen auf Transparenz

So verdient kununu Geld.

Fragen zu Bewertungen und Gehältern

  • Basierend auf 18 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Mitarbeitenden wird MVST durchschnittlich mit 3,9 von 5 Punkten bewertet. Dieser Wert liegt im Durchschnitt der Branche Beratung/Consulting (3,9 Punkte). 70% der Bewertenden würden MVST als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
  • Ausgehend von 18 Bewertungen gefallen die Faktoren Kollegenzusammenhalt, Work-Life-Balance und Arbeitsbedingungen den Mitarbeitenden am besten an dem Unternehmen.
  • Neben positivem Feedback haben Mitarbeitende auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 18 Bewertungen sind Mitarbeitende der Meinung, dass sich MVST als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Karriere/Weiterbildung noch verbessern kann.