12 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
12 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,4 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
3 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen12 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,4 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
3 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Ganz klar: das Team
Wo soll man da anfangen? fehlende Transparenz, nicht nachvollziehbare AdHoc-Entscheidungen, schlechte Bezahlung - war alles mal beser.
Ich denke, da ist Hopfen und Malz verloren
Zum Schluss ganz klar: Toxisch.
Hand aufs Herz: Kennt kein Mensch.
Kaputt arbeitet man sich nicht wenn man das nicht möchte.
Es gibt Budget, das aber ziemlich schmal ist.
Schlechter Deal, selbst für Berliner Verhältnisse. Urlaub wurde nun nach Jahren endlich auf 30 angepasst - und vom AG als Bonus verkauft.
In der Küche stehen drei Mülleimer.
Das Team war die ganze Zeit das eigentliche Plus in einem ansonst schlechten Deal
Geht klar.
Befördert wird nach Peter-Prinzip: Mitarbeiter*innen die eigentlich gute Arbeit im Mid-Level geleistet haben , werden auf einmal Teamlead, wo sie dann vollversagen.
Schönes Office, Macbook pro. Tools auch halbwegs auf dem neuesten Stand.
Kündigungen, Beförderungen oder sonstige Veränderungen erfährt man gelegentlich erst über LinkedIn bevor die HR sich regt.
Manche reden von einem Gender Pay Gap.
Viel Wiederholung, kaum neue Projekte.
Es wird mit Transparenz geworben, diese aber kein Stück gelebt. Vor Corona kaum Optionen auf Homeoffice, wegen Kontrollzwang.
Ehrlicher mit den Mitarbeitenden umgehen, diese nicht mehr zu manipulieren und nicht nur an Profit zu denken. Faire Gehälter zahlen.
Die Kolleg:innen.
Das Vorgesetztenverhalten.
Die Arbeitsatmosphäre ist außergewöhnlich schlecht. Von "Oben" kommt nie Lob, ausschließlich Kritik und der Druck, der vom Kunden kommt, wird direkt weitergegeben. Fairness und Vertrauen sind Fehlanzeige.
Bürozeiten wurden nach und nach verbindlich festgelegt, HO war - zumindest vor Corona - immer seltener möglich.
Das einzig gute an NETA sind die netten und hilfsbereiten Kolleg:innen.
Das geht aus den vorangegangenen Reviews ja hervor: Keinerlei Wertschätzung. Wenn keine Sympathie da ist, wird einfach ignoriert.
Als es einen roten Schimmelpilz gab, musste einfach vor Ort weitergearbeitet werden, obwohl das nicht erlaubt ist. Erst nach Intervention von Kolleg:innen wurde der Pilz entfernt. Im Winter ist es kalt, im Sommer heiß.
In Town Hall Meetings wird 10 Minute über die falsch gereinigte Kaffeemaschine referiert und jeden Monat 3-5 Mitarbeiter:innen verabschiedet, die es nicht mehr ausgehalten haben.
Angesichts der Tatsache, dass Freuen hier deutlich weniger verdienen, kann ich nur einen Stern geben.
Trotzdem alle Vokabeln des modernen Arbeitens perfekt beherrscht werden, gab es einen Gender Pay Gap.
Die interessanten Aufgaben wurden immer seltener.
Very flexible, honest, trustworthy managers who are open for feedback and listen to you, talented and including colleagues, lovely office, monthly team breakfasts, team events (online)
education budget and pension plan could be more generous
It's very impressive how much NETA has grown in the last 6 months: Pain points have been revealed, processes and documentations are in progress / in place and toxic people have been dismissed (probably the ones who write these terrible reviews here). Keep the good work up and stay close to loyal and honest employees - listen to them.
The work atmosphere is throughout positive: People like and trust each other, help each other out and work together. Supervisors listen to your needs and try to find a solution for whatever issue you might bring up.
NETA is not a very well known company within Germany
Really great work-life-balance; the supervisors, HR and the Head of Neta are very family friendly and understanding (especially during Corona).
There is a yearly education budget which could be more generous
Fair and competitive salaries, social contributions (pension plan) could be better
A very sustainable mindset (bio fruits, Demeter milk in glass bottles, waste politics, milk, containers etc.)
Always helping and thinking of colleagues and people of the community in need (money collections, donations etc., writing personal cards etc.)
Very interesting, talented, skilled, international, fun and divers people to work with and to learn from. Everyone is always eager to help out and to support if necessary.
older colleagues are not treated any differently
Friendly, transparent, fair, reasonable, professional, respectful. They listen to you and try to find individual solutions, if you communicate your needs.
The office is modern-industrial and quite fancy - home office is also possible. There are 2 kitchens available to prepare lunch but also cute little restaurants in the area. Monthly breakfasts (free) are organised in the office
There are monthly team- and company meetings where all necessary information is communicated. The tone is friendly and the communication in general very respectful.
I'm female and not German - never had any issues at all.
There are always new projects coming up where one can jump in and take on new responsibilities.
The colleagues
Management and HR. How they deal with employees.
Listen to your employees and work on a better in-house communication
Fear of C-Level is the worst I have experienced. Hard work is not rewarded in any way and everything is taken for granted.
All other terrible reviews are right. It is a small company nobody knows.
Remote work allowed for a fair amount of work-life-balance. However, even so you are expected to work "more" and give it all.
No possibilities
Average minus
Nothing that I know of.
Colleagues are amazing, respectful and ready to help
The average age is pretty much the same.
Horrible! The worst I have ever seen.
Communication is non existent and the feeling of not being worth reigns when it comes to management positioning.
A lot of pressure, not nearly enough communication nor material.
Difficult to non-existent, specially with management and HR. I have always felt judged when reaching out.
Germans have a clear advantage on all aspects, specially men.
I was faced, in the first months, with complex tasks from which I have learned a lot.
the people working there are nice
toxic working environment
personnel changes at the highest level
culture of distrust – nearly everybody is looking for another job – the turnover rate is very high. Within one year nearly everybody left and after 2 months every new employee gets why.
nobody knows neta
there was the dogma once that nobody should do extra hours but that has changed and people are asked from HR and topmanagement to go the extra mile
there is budget but it's not
the community of fate sticks together
Have a look at the previous reviews and you get a sense how bad and inappropriate it is. No social skills, total lack of empathy and no sign of respect or trust. And the worst thing is the absence of professional competence. External perception and self-perception are diametrically opposed.
MacBook Pros and a nice office but when I was working at neta there were always construction work noises all the time
very bad especially the communication between top-management and the rest of the company is shattered and then there is the "colleagues" from Switzerland.
A lot of non German women didn't get a bonus in 2020 and there is a gender pay gap.
not anymore, no creativity needed, just working off...
Office in general and atmosphere with colleagues
-Lacking of recognition
-Relationship between management and employees
More responsibilities but no compensation
The company doesn't put any effort in the image
Stress is high. Possibility to work in home office
There is budget for training. But a career plan doesn't exist at all
Compared to what you are doing for the company, the salary is low
Most colleagues are friendly and helpful
nobody is really "old" - constant employment turnover
Lack of recognition
It's ok. The office is nice
No always professional between management and single employer
Always depend on the brand, extreme fluctuation of employees, which complicates the work atmosphere. Lack of appreciation and trust is a problem, also more work and responsibility for the same payment ...
Part-time used to be a possibility, home office too, but these benefits have been eliminated with the time.
There is budget for educational workshops, but there is zero development perspective.
Colleagues are nice, team is international, but the extreme fluctuation of employees complicates the team work, also the bad payment is a huge issue.
There are serious problems when communicating, without social skills from superiors, it is impossible to develop good terms between management positions and employees. Huge lack of appreciation and trust, special with the creative team.
Equipment are ok. More money invested in the office than in the salary of employers ...
Without social skills it is impossible to develop good terms between management positions and employees.
As far as I know, women become less money, just like that.
After a while the tasks are always the same, marketing is prioritized and designers just become an assets-producers-machines.
The colleagues are the heart of this "in-house agency" but the adhoc tasks and mismanagement from upper level is unbearable.
No one knows NETA
Homeoffice is possible. But also heard that people get called when they are sick.
If someone leaves you get more responsibility. There is budget for development but fight for yourself.
Very divers, no matrix for salaries.
Quite sustainable mindset (waste, milk, containers...)
Passive aggressiveness all over.
Never ending construction work.
Communication over tools.
Innerhalb der Teams wird gut zusammengehalten
So verdient kununu Geld.