One word: M-E-S-S-Y
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
My collegues
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Everything else
It feels like a car crash, you don't want it to happen but you can't look away
None, nonexistent. You have news that come from the central and then you just have to adapt to them, no objections. We receive this super happy flower E-Mails from them but then the workers get f*cked
No one in my old hotel wanted to be there, but we supported each other
It doesn't exist, they ask you to come in your free day or holidays and then you receive a voucher of 20 € xD
Oh, there is a problem? Then let's NOT talk about it. When we did, it was worse.
Interessante Aufgaben
Bffff.... really none. The best part of meeting guests
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
The old colleagues are there basically to be your teachers, you just get this introduction (mostly in your Probetag) of what the job is and then if you have questions, your older collegues will teach you because no one else will. 0 Weiterbildung like they are so proud to announce
You are doing the job of 4 other different positions. Check-in agent, accountant, bar keeper, housekeeping...
Fake. There was so much paper waste and they needed a printed copy of every single document. They do not recycle either, everything goes to the same bin
The salary was a joke, basically because every one of my colleagues had a different one and we don't really have a say on it. Yes, you can complain, but they might hear you, they might not. When they sense you are not satisfied they just add up 100-200 € like oh we wanted to thank you for your work
For guests, good. For workers, horrible. Really no one wants to be there after 2 months working there.