Kulturkompass - traditionell oder modern?
Basierend auf Daten aus 29 Bewertungen schätzen Mitarbeiter bei Operations1 die Unternehmenskultur als modern ein, während der Branchendurchschnitt in Richtung modern tendiert. Die Zufriedenheit mit der Unternehmenskultur beträgt 4,6 Punkte auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 basierend auf 40 Bewertungen.
I enjoyed working with most of the colleagues and even became friends with some over time. We had regular events organized by the company, which helped that this workplace felt like being among friends for some time. If it was just for the colleagues, this would be a good company to work for.
But work atmosphere is also how motivated you are and after a while, I felt stuck in my position. The feedback I got was mostly that I am doing everything well, but I still did not see any further development of my role and also felt that my work was never fully appreciated.