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A stepping stone towards another direction...

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei First on site management GmbH in Hamburg gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

It was a good stepping stone in the direction of HR.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The current locals in leadership roles -- granted not for their knowledge, but rather for their vitamin B connections. Shameful and deplorable.


Some should look into being replaced -- very biased and play favouritism to a large extent.


It was difficult to work there, as all aspects would be discussed about you, whether it be personal or not ie. you couldn't take annual leave without saying where you were going for holidays, and so this created a sense of secrecy/necessity to divulge everything..


Daily stand-up (morning) meetings in which basically everything would be discussed -- from business appointments, to private life (!!) this was called the 'TT' = team talk.


There were definitely groups happening, secret loyalties being held for certain people.


On a light note, there wasn't so much work to be done -- so the work-life-balance was good! Although in your lunchbreak you were expected to reroute the desk phone to your cell and answer it (even in the lunchbreak).


Perhaps the worst aspect -- a not so pleasant human being in my opinion, with a very loud mouth, no filter and a style of belittling people. One was either brown-nosing to her and laughing at her every comment, or else you would soon be secluded and placed in a corner -- literally. Just writing this review sends shivers down my spine as I look back! .. there was rather another soft personality and allowed one to rule the place with their particular wicked nature -- which they themselves obviously did (the staff turnover speaks volumes).

Interessante Aufgaben

Very repetitive, somewhat monotonous and analog.


You were either a local, or not. Interpret that as you will.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There weren't any older colleagues, the place was basically run by children (everyone was under 35yrs of age, except the actual general manager).


The colleagues used their company cars to drive 500m to the local supermarket to get ice creams etc so no, the company was not very environmentally friendly at all.. (just one of many examples I can name!)


More than usual for this sector of work.


The actual customers couldn't stand the employees either, because the contact persons on the customer side were significantly mature and tertiary educated, whereby the actual contact persons within First OSM were (as previously stated) well under 35 years and hence very immature at most times.


No real chance to further develop oneself -- I personally am already tertiary educated, which didn't sit too favourably with all the other youngins.




Adecco Medical Feedback-Team

Liebe/r ehemalige/r Mitarbeiter/in,

zunächst vielen Dank, dass Sie sich die Zeit genommen haben, uns nach Ihrem Ausscheiden auf Kununu zu bewerten. Wir finden es sehr schade, dass Ihnen die Arbeitsatmosphäre und die Zusammenarbeit bei der FIRST so wenig gefallen haben und hätten uns gefreut, wenn Sie diese Punkte vor Ihrem Jobwechsel direkt gegenüber uns bzw. Ihren Vorgesetzten angesprochen hätten. So hätten wir die Chance gehabt, direkt und persönlich auf Sie einzugehen, um Veränderungen anzustoßen.
Selbstverständlich entspricht das von Ihnen beschriebene Verhalten nicht unserer FIRST-Unternehmenskultur, in der wir großen Wert auf Kollegialität und das gegenseitige Miteinander legen. Insbesondere die Zufriedenheit unserer Mitarbeiter liegt uns besonders am Herzen und wird von unseren Führungskräften gelebt.
Die vielen weiteren von Ihnen angesprochenen Punkte sind für uns ohne nähere Informationen schwer zu bewerten oder zu verändern. Es wäre daher schön, wenn Sie sich mit konkreten Verbesserungsvorschlägen bzw. Hinweisen an uns wenden würden, denn nur so können wir stetig besser werden.
Auch nach Ihrem Ausscheiden steht Ihnen unsere Tür für ein persönliches Gespräch oder ein Telefonat immer offen.
Wir freuen uns, wenn wir noch einmal in einen persönlichen Austausch mit Ihnen kommen. Sie erreichen uns über folgende E-Mail-Adresse: christiane.kennecke@first-osm.de

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Christiane Kennecke

Dear former employee,

First of all, thank you for taking the time to evaluate us after you left FIRST.
We are very sorry that you didn't like the working atmosphere and the cooperation at FIRST and would have appreciated it if you had addressed these points directly to us or your superiors before changing your job. This would have given us the opportunity to address them directly and personally in order to initiate changes.
Nevertheless, the attitude you describe does not correspond to our FIRST corporate culture, in which we attach great importance to collegiality and mutual co-operation. In particular satisfaction of our employees is very important to us and is lived by our executives in the best possible way.
The many other issues you mention are difficult for us to evaluate or change without further information. It would therefore be helpful, if you could contact us with concrete suggestions for improvement, because this is the only way we can constantly do better.
Even after your resignation, our door is always open for a personal conversation or a telephone call.
We would be pleased to have another personal exchange with you. You can get in contact with us via the following e-mail address: christiane.kennecke@first-osm.de

Yours sincerely
Christiane Kennecke
