good colleagues, supportive work environment, unrealistic project promises
It highly depends on the whole project team and some managers have a very unpleasant work style. However, local team is mostly helpful and friendly.
At times the communication is very intransparent
Very nice work environment with local teams
This is based on the assigned projects. Depending on the project management team, even your vacation permit is doubted when they think you should be available. Instead of then being flexible, your colleagues are expected to do your work if you're not willing to cancel your vacation to fulfill the management metrics goals. There are even projects where you're expected to be available to travel for them every week forgetting that you're always have more than 1 or 2 projects and of course also having office tasks to fulfill.
Direct managers are very supportive. However, it seems that concerns about systematic issues are not being considered are dismissed as individual problems by higher levels of management.
You're expected to be highly flexible with your scheduling. Statements about too much work or the estimation of coming extra work are heard and one is reassured with the fact that first of all one has to wait and see. If it is true, however, change cannot take place quickly despite prior announcement and even after 3-4 months nothing may happen. Over 60 overwork hours are nothing special.
You are encouraged to use public transport, which is supported with a Bahncard 50. Social organizations are supported monetary and through events.
The basic training is good, but the practical training is arbitrary - depending on the opportunities for accompaniment without paying attention to whether content is actually offered for practical training.
Only internal trainings seem to be possible and only if you have time to spare yourself