Disrespectful, cheap, focused on reporting to Korea rather than making good business in Germany and Europe
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
They paid on time.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Hostile environment, low salary, and discrimination. They haven't arrived in Germany yet.
Implement serious anti-discrimination, anti-harassment, and anti-sexual harassment policies, and provide multicultural and basic German law training, mainly for Korean managers.
It depends on the team, but in my experience, teams led by Koreans have a terrible work environment. Situations range from excessive workload and low quality to comments about skin color, weight, and unnecessary remarks about age and nationality
Unfortunately, there is no communication about the company's plans, so everything reaches the teams late, and they have to execute under pressure. When I asked another supervisor, they told me the plan had been communicated months ago. Korean leadership doesn't like to hear negative feedback. You have to 'respect' your seniors, which means agreeing to everything and keeping any comments that could 'trigger' your supervisor or disrupt 'harmony' to yourself.
Most of the colleagues are nice; however, working in such an environment leaves everyone in a bad mood, leading to unnecessary conflicts.
No comments.
My supervisor's behavior was very unpleasant. There were threats towards people, comments about how someone had acted in a certain way and that they no longer worked at the company. Unnecessary remarks about skin color—how light or dark it was. They had no knowledge of German laws, nothing about vacation policies or maternity leave, and were extremely disorganized. This had a very negative impact on the team, leading to extremely high turnover.
Interessante Aufgaben
There are extremely boring tasks 80% of the time, and very interesting ones (complex and with ridiculous deadlines) 20% of the time.
The treatment is unequal; there is almost no female representation in leadership positions. The difference is noticeable between men and women, as well as between Koreans, Germans, Europeans, and non-Europeans.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Senior Korean colleagues must be 'respected,' which means they don’t greet others, you shouldn’t contradict your Korean supervisor, you must stay in your place, and remain silent.
The company is in renewables, but in reality, there is no environmental awareness. There is no social awareness either—the first social interaction the company has is with its employees, and honestly, it treats them poorly.
Below industry standards, with differentiated treatment for non-Korean, non-German, and non-European employees.
The industry is aware of the company's bad reputation. I only have to say I worked at Q-Energy to notice it in others—its image is not good.
I never received any training (Weiterbildung), and advancing in your career is not easy. If you work overtime and don’t complain, maybe you’ll make it.