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Do not apply, if you are a Software Engineer

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Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich IT bei Shop-Apotheke (Köln / Deutschland) in Köln gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Work from home, Modern Tech-Stack, Job Ticket/Deutschlandticket, Urban Sports

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Feedback is ignored, processes are slow and inefficient, working conditions as a Software Engineer are bad and annoying, salaries are low and the actual work, due to all the limitations, is boring and repetitive


Fully management change in the IT Department. Don't ignore feedback from employees.


Working environment was pretty chill and cool in the past. It was possible to discuss things and to give and to get feedback.

Currently, the situation is pretty much "management is always right" and "don't question decisions and processes". It is pretty much "toxic positivity", because according to the management, everything is great and it is only going to improve.

The reality is that things are only getting worse. If you don't agree with that, there is pretty much nothing you can change. You can either stay quiet and agree or leave the company.

Firing people, that don't agree with the management, it not uncommon. Good employees leaving the company is pretty much the norm during the last year.


Inside the development team it is usually good. Communication with other development teams is also usually good. Communication with other departments and management is a nightmare.


As with the communication: Inside the development team and with other development teams it is usually good. Outside of that it is a bit hit or miss. With the exception of 1 department, it is usually ok.


100% work from home is currently possible.

Due to inefficient processes, Work-Life-Balance is actually good. Small tasks take forever to be completed and there is a lot of idle time.

Occasional on-call duty is required, but is compensated.


Feedback is ignored. You better agree with the processes, management decisions and do what you are told, or they might make you leave and won't give you a salary raise.

Decisions are taken and are simply announced to you. Even if they concern directly your team and the product, that you are working on

Interessante Aufgaben

Plenty of interesting tasks and unexplored areas in the web shop. Unfortunately, with the current management and working policies, it is almost impossible to work on any of them.

This leads to having to work on mostly boring and repetitive tasks.


No issues with that, as far as I know

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

No issues with that, as far as I know


2 Stars only, because of the work from home.

As a Software Engineer, the working environment is pretty bad.

You get either a bad Windows Laptop or a MacBook Pro, a mouse and a keyboard. No free choice of mouse and keyboard. Also, no other equipment for your home. In the office itself, you get 2 monitors and a 10 Euro mouse and keyboard. The monitors are a joke: 24" 1080p.

You have to use your personal phone in order to do the 2 Factor Authentication or, if you have to perform some tests on mobile.

Both on Windows and Mac, you have no admin rights and you are pretty limited on what you can do. It limits you on how to setup your development environment. You constantly get annoyed by pop-ups for software updates, which in some cases, literally came out hours ago. Automated software updates can brake things like your Docker environment pretty often. IT-Service is not responsive enough and sometimes cannot solve your issues remotely.

No access rights to production systems. There is even limited access to some test systems. Solving 5 minute tasks can take literally weeks, because everything has to go through tickets, which are handled by other departments.


For a web shop it is ok, but not more than that.


Only gets 2 stars, because of the Urban Sports Club M membership, the job ticket/Deutschlandticket and the 10% discount for the shop. The salaries currently are a joke. Especially for new hires.

That can be seen by the fact, that the company mostly currently hires people with no EU-Citizenship, which usually accept lower offers.


I think that the Image of the company is only getting worse due to aggressive advertising on all possible platforms and also on the website itself. In addition to that, due to the decreasing code quality of the web shop, there are more problems and outages that pop-up, which lead to bad customer experience.


Pretty much impossible as a Software Engineer.

Juniors are not hired. There are only Senior and Staff Software Engineering positions available. As a Senior, you can only progress to a Staff Engineer. The tasks and responsibilities are pretty much the same for both positions. There is only a slight difference in the salary and in how much you are pulled into meetings.

Going from a Software Engineering position to a Management Position is pretty much impossible. Only a few positions like this are available in the department and the chance one of them is open and they don't hire somebody from outside, is pretty slim.

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