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roadsurfer GmbH Logo


Passionate but short-sighted brand where actions don’t match the words and values they advertise.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat bis 2024 im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Roadsurfer GmbH in München gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The adventurous spirit.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Communication & Organization. The lack of progressive thinking is striking although the image of the company comes across as young.


Could offer proper, better mentorship especially for people in leadership roles. Focus on quality over quantity and setting up good working conditions before opening for clients. Walk the talk.


Can be very relaxed or incredibly stressful, it depends a lot on the team and the management as a whole (or the lack thereof).


Constant information input about the changing processes&protocols that don’t work well in practice . Constant hearsay, empty promises and rumors.


Most people are helpful and sweethearted. But in the end one is responsible to find solutions alone, as there is lack of accountability and a do-not-care attitude even from managers.


Not so good. Lack of clear boundaries and organization makes it difficult for employees to plan ahead. Coming early and leaving late is an almost every day occurrence during high season. Difficult to take proper breaks.


Helpful in practical ways, lacking the emotional intelligence and the care necessary for long-term collaborations.

Interessante Aufgaben

Depending on your responsibilities, there is always something different and no day is similar to another. One main task remains cleaning and repairing even for management positions. The job should be advertised as such.


Lack of good tools and setup makes the work harder than it needs to be. Unheated in winter, suffocating heat in summer. Working in a very grey area with chemicals, or substances such as gas. No proper safety training/protocols for the employees or protection gear for mold and other infectious substances (constantly cleaning pee and poop).
Otherwise the atmosphere can be fun, but it doesn’t compensate for the lack of consideration towards safety.


Little care and respect towards resources and the Earth.


Below average.


Fun and young, like a summer adventure. Lacks mentors and wiser leadership. Internally a lot of problems and refusal to deal with these known patterns and problems.


Only at the beginning. Superficial. One is constantly stressed while working there, with very short, complex deadlines and no space-time for team building, recovery, and self-reflection.


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
