48 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
48 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
36 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigenIhr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen48 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,8 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
36 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Familiäre Atmosphäre in Einklang mit hoher Professionalität!
Kein mobile Work für Manager, nur im Ausnahmefall!
Mobile Work für Manager könnte eingeführt werden!
Könnte bekannter sein in Deutschland
Ich bin schnell Teil des Unternehmens geworden und habe hier eine berufliche Heimat gefunden.
Mein aktueller Arbeitgeber überzeugt durch eine offene und kollegiale Atmosphäre, in der Zusammenarbeit auf Augenhöhe großgeschrieben wird.
Der Umgang unter den Kollegen ist von gegenseitigem Respekt und konstruktiven Gesprächen geprägt, was ein hochprofessionelles Arbeitsumfeld schafft und gleichzeitig Raum für persönliche Entwicklung bietet.
Die Führungskräfte setzen klare Ziele, stehen mit fachlicher Expertise beratend zur Seite und fördern somit die persönliche Weiterentwicklung.
Die Kommunikation im Unternehmen ist offen, transparent und zielorientiert. Informationen werden klar und zeitnah weitergegeben.
Die Themen sind anspruchsvoll und fordern kreatives Denken sowie Fachwissen, was die Arbeit spannend und vielseitig macht. Besonders hervorzuheben ist das einzigartige Produkt, das uns klar von anderen abhebt.
Die Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten, den Zusammenhalt im Unternehmen, die Internationalität, die Wertschätzung meiner Arbeit, spannende Projekte uvm. Für mich ist Safran Helicopter Engines Germany ein Hidden Champion, bei dem man viel lernen und sein Potential entfalten kann, wenn man es möchte.
Nichts ist wirklich schlecht!
Flexiblere Arbeitszeiten und Mobile Work Policy ermöglichen, es gibt zwar Home Office, allerdings an festen Tagen.
Generell sehr gut, die Ziele sind ehrgeizig und verursachen an der ein oder anderen Stelle hohen Druck, irgendwie schaffen GF und Manager es aber doch, die Motivation hochzuhalten.
Für mich ist Safran Helicopter Engines Germany ein Hidden Champion, bei dem man viel lernen und sein Potential entfalten kann, wenn man es möchte.
Es gibt genug Urlaub und Überstunden können ausgeglichen werden. Allerdings wird in fast allen Abteilungen über eine hohe Arbeitsbelastung geklagt.
Weiterbildungen werden bei Safran großgeschrieben. Das ist mir fast wichtiger als das trotzdem angemessene Gehalt. Außerdem gibt es Essensgutscheine, VWL uvm. An Benefits mangelt es uns nicht! Ich würde mir jedoch noch mehr Flexibilität in den Arbeitszeiten wünschen.
Mülltrennung im Büro und die Verankerung der CO2 Reduktion in den Unternehmenszielen schaffen ein Bewusstsein für das Thema Nachhaltigkeit. Es gibt einen Powerbutton, der ausgeschaltet wird, wenn der Arbeitsplatz nicht besetzt ist. Der neue Standort wird sehr umweltfreundlich und nachhaltig gebaut.
Es ist ein faires Miteinander, besonders in stressigen Situationen halten alle zusammen. Workshops, Projekte und Committees ermöglichen es auch, abteilungsübergreifend zusammenzuarbeiten.
Es gibt einige neue Führungskräfte, was ich sehr positiv finde. Generell ist es eine gute Mischung aus erfahrenen und jüngeren Managern. Regelmäßige Feedback-Gespräche und die Möglichkeit, Ziele und die Richtung zu beeinflussen, gefallen mir sehr gut.
Ergonomische Arbeitsplätze, Gemeinschaftsküche, die gerne genutzt wird, Beleuchtung und Lärmpegel im aktuellen Büro sind angenehm.
Einmal im Quartal wird der Status der Ziele an die Mitarbeiter kommuniziert. Es herrscht überall eine Open Door Policy und spätestens über den Flurfunk kommen die Infos bei allen an.
Dadurch, dass die Teams eher klein sind, kann man sich viele Aufgaben suchen, die einem liegen. Selbst wenn mal weniger los ist, gibt es genügend Bereiche, in denen man sich auch außerhalb des eigenen Jobs engagieren kann.
Umfeld, Lage, Offenheit und Stimmung im Büro. Obstlieferungen Kaffee und weitere Dinge...
Workation und Hund im Büro sind Dinge die ich mir generell wünschen würde. Wirklich schlecht ist es jedoch nicht. Jeweils als private Einschränkung zu betrachten. Die generellen Basisstunden 40h pro Woche, könnten für junge Nachwuchskräfte als Problem angesehen werden.
Größere Individualität im Vergleich zur Corporate Helicopter Instanz und noch mehr zur Safran Paris Instanz. Oftmals können beide Corporateorgabisationen nicht als Zugpferd agieren, sondern blockieren Teile, weil sie für ihr Level nicht nutz- oder greifbar sind.
Bewertung vor Umzug in Neubau. Atmosphäre und Buche im Jahr 2024 in einem Satz, wäre komisch, aber generell ist dennoch alles
Das Image eines solch großen Konzerns in Gänze steht naturgemäß immer mal unter Beschuss. Eine Arbeit im Unternehmen kann uneingeschränkt empfohlen werden. In meinen Augen eines der Besten Images aller Weltkonzerne.
Mangelt insgesamt. Ein Fitnessstudio dichter an der Arbeit würde Zeit sparen. Die Anbindung und Entfernung zur interessanten Zone in HH mit dem Neubau Norderstedt sicher schwieriger, aber die Beteiligten sind sich der Challenge bewusst.
Weiterbildungs- und Schulungsmöglichkeiten extrem Vielfältig und HR immer supportend, falls gewünscht. Theoretisch besteht für jeden die Möglichkeit sich via Safran University in bereichsbezogenen Elementen weiterzubilden. Young Talent Pool als einjähriges Supportmedium.
Die Sozialleistungen des Unternehmens sind außerordentlich gut.
Es gibt interne Offensiven und Projekte. Der Neubau wird ein dekarbonisiertes Gesamtbauwerk.
Nicht weiter zu kommentieren.
Fantastisch. Nichts zu bemängeln.
Rundes Verhältnis zu allen Vorgesetzten. Keinerlei Probleme.
Einfach und entspannt.
Offenheit in alle Richtungen möglich.
In meinen Augen 5von5.
Projektvielfalt und in der Regel keinerlei Einschränkungen. Bei positiven Initiativen sogar Unterstützung aus jeder Ebene.
Great employees, great customers, state-of-the-art products, great company figures, fantastic prospects - what more could you want?
There are always things that can be improved, even if we have already reached a high level.
I know that the IT colleagues on site are doing a great job. Nevertheless, IT performance would be at the top of my wish list...
It will be important to maintain the current momentum. As we do not live in an ideal world, we will always have employees who are not convinced by the company, etc. I don't think that a company should be run on a grassroots democratic basis. Nevertheless, we should continue to try to be as transparent as possible in our decisions and involve everyone as much as possible
We are very results- and performance-orientated, which is one of the most important reasons for the company's long-term success. Nevertheless, this is regularly associated with a form of pressure that not everyone can handle. This makes it all the more important that this is precisely when the communication I describe below comes into play. Sometimes you should hold up a mirror to each other and point out at an early stage if something is going in the wrong direction. I always try to encourage my teams and other colleagues to do this.
In my view, we have a good working atmosphere. And I am confident that we will even improve this in the new facility because we will have completely different opportunities
We are a small company that is part of an international group of companies. We can utilise this strength much more intensively and distinctly than is currently the case. For example, we have started to establish an internal talent pool from which we intend to draw when interesting positions become vacant within our own company, at German SAFRAN companies and internationally.
Furthermore, since this year we have also been strengthening the dialogue within the German SAFRAN companies in order to leverage synergies and offer employees further prospects for development. In order to be successful, we need the acceptance and willingness of our employees to participate
Salaries are paid above the standard pay scale, a performance-related bonus and special bonuses for exceptional performance. There are also a number of additional company benefits that employees can enjoy - e.g. supplementary health insurance, travel allowance, parking space on the company premises, meal allowance, job bike, capital-forming benefits for all, a company-subsidised share ownership programme and much more.
SAFRAN also prioritises training and further education. 30 to 40 hours of training and, if possible, at least one external training course per year have been standard for years
Age doesn't really play a role at SAFRAN. Neither does nationality or gender - there is no discrimination
As a manager, you sometimes have to make decisions that not everyone understands and that not everyone agrees with. That's just the way it is and I don't want to complain about it - after all, I chose the job myself. Nevertheless, I think that the relationship between superiors and with superiors in the company is good. Even if not everyone always agrees, I don't know of any situations where anyone has behaved badly. Constructive disputes are part of a healthy corporate culture and therefore also at SAFRAN. But always fair, factual and solution-orientated. And if this is not the case, then you can talk about it openly without having to worry that this will result in disadvantages. The same applies to feedback - upwards, downwards and sideways (at all levels)
The working conditions are very good, for example almost everyone has a height-adjustable desk and their own IT equipment. A new company building is currently being built to accommodate economic growth and is expected to be ready for relocation in mid-2025. It is currently planned that interested employees will be involved in the design of the building, especially the workstations and social areas. We are also looking at what impact the changes to the commute and infrastructure in the immediate vicinity of the new office will have on employees. After all, it is important that people feel comfortable at work
Communication can always be improved, there's no question about that. Nevertheless, I feel well informed. Of course, being a manager means getting certain information faster than others, and some information is also exclusive. Nevertheless, many different communication channels are used in the company and also in the Group. It's often more about filtering and passing on the most important information. I think communication in the company has changed positively in recent years.
As I said, more and different is always possible, but it doesn't mean better
Equality is an important issue, also at SAFRAN. We have employees in almost all areas of the company and at all levels. There are also female managers. But there are still no female technicians, even if we would like to have some. This is probably due to the fact that there are currently hardly any female applicants for technical jobs, which is actually a shame. Because at SAFRAN we really do work on an equal footing in all areas
I have rarely seen such a variety of tasks in a company. Of course, there are also routine tasks that have to be completed. Nevertheless, every day is characterised by interesting tasks that have to be completed. We also make an important contribution to the people who risk their lives for others every day. Our customers include the police, emergency services, the military and environmental organisations. But also utilities, service providers and celebrities. I think it's great that helicopters with our engines both save lives and defend or protect them. Even though I only work in administration, it gives me a certain satisfaction that my work is important
Committees to get engaged even beyond your actual tasks. Focus on innovation.
IT problems occur too often.
Very good Image at the customers. The company should also be known as a great employer.
Two days mobile work per week and flexible working hours make it possible to combine work and personal life.
Many courses at Safran University available.
Good salary with lots of benefits, e.g. full cover of Deutschlandticket... There is a bonus linked to your and the company's performance.
Everyone is very supportive and does the best to succeed as a team.
Dynamic of a young team, but no difference of age is made!
Personally I can learn a lot from my supervisor and have only experienced a fair and cooperative leadership style, being especially open for new ideas.
Nice office, excellent local IT, height adjustable tables, great coffee, water etc. for free and always a good mood among the colleagues!
As Safran ist very innovative, and the Work pace is quite high, there are always new tasks. Plus you can join a committee to work with colleagues from different teams.
Fair Pay and very healthy work environment. No Micro-management and Company invests in employees.
If you do not speak German or French, you will find it very difficult to be part of social group conversations.
Good industry, good furniture
Management denies the reality, no real actions in the past 4 years despite all the problems that we had. A yearly employees survey and a Christmas Event are not sufficient to solve these deep problems.
The management should either change, in particular CEO and CFO, or should consider the feedbacks given by employees. With the same practices from the management, this company will get the same results: too much workload leading to burn out or resignations.
Too much work to do because the people who resigned or got fired are not replaced. Then, workload increases for the employees who stay.
The CFO blocks most of the training requests. Only few employees can have interested trainings and it's only possible if the CEO approves it. The team manager doesn't even have a word to say.
Significant gaps between employees from the same team. Also, other companies in Hamburg offer much better salaries for less workload and less stressful environment.
Unfortunately, most of the problems come from 2 persons: the CEO and the CFO. Then, they flow down their bad management style to other teams. I'm not confident for the future of this company, all the skilled employees leave for better jobs and they are not replaced. Their scopes of missions are just shared between other people. A manager left and her tasks are now done by 2 people who are not even from this team. This is chaos...
Therefore it's harder and harder for the people who stay and the management doesn't care at all.
Management doesn't want to hear employees' complains. In reality, nothing changed in the past few years and all the skilled colleagues are leaving the company...
The working atmosphere at Safran is very special: we work for the world leader in helicopter engines, but at the German site we feel like part of a family. That's what gives this site of 70 employees so much character. All in all, a great working atmosphere.
The Safran group often communicates the importance of its employees. When I was at Safran, a campaign was launched to promote our employees' skills and different professions. This campaign was broadcast for our customers. Safran's image is intimately linked to its employees.
The days are sometimes long at Safran because the work and the products are exciting, and we don't see the time passing. But it's possible to take vacations when we want, and to have shorter days if necessary. Managers can be flexible and supportive.
As a small site, there are limited opportunities for development at Hamburg. It is of course possible to join the Safran group in France or at another site abroad (there are numerous offers in a wide range of professions). This site is a great way of acquiring skills, which can be a great launching pad for the next stage of your career.
In addition to attractive salaries, there are numerous benefits for employees.
We have an HSE department that communicates regularly on small everyday gestures to help reduce the site's carbon footprint. It's a good way of tackling environmental issues. Safran also offers the chance to join internal committees to get involved in tasks that are different from your day-to-day ones. This is a real social asset, enabling us to meet and work with different colleagues.
Even though we work hard at Safran, there's always time in the day to have a good time with our colleagues and to have interesting discussions that help us relax. The company invests in creating cohesion between colleagues by regularly organizing internal events.
A Safran employee celebrated his retirement with more than 30 years of service at the Safran HE Germany site. And he's not the only one. Many employees already have between 10 and 20 years' experience at the German site.
Personally, my manager was always helpful and always there to help me evolve. It was very easy to talk to him about the problems I was facing on a daily basis. He was very understanding.
Numerous bonuses and benefits are offered to employees. Working conditions are very good.
Numerous events and highlights are organized on site to encourage discussion between employees and with managers. What's more, the offices of colleagues, managers and supervisors are always open to facilitate face-to-face discussions.
We all have the same rights at Safran. This is governed by the Safran group, which has almost 85,000 employees.
Safran HE Germany is a small site, so it's possible to grow quickly on your daily responsibilities and have empowering tasks.
Nette Kollegen
Wenig Vertrauen zum Arbeitnehmer durch komplette Kontrolle
Unternehmen geht nicht mit der Zeit. Alles sehr starr, sollte flexibler werden
Nette Kollegen, allerdings herrscht Aufbruchstimmung
Gut, man geht gerne zusammen in die Mittagspause
Lautes Büro, veraltetes Equipment
Sehr laut im Büro, ständig kommen andere Mitarbeiter ins Büro um sich an Süßigkeiten zu bedienen. Daher ist oft es laut im Büro
Man verdient woanders mehr Geld, Sodexo kann man sich aus sparen. Dafür lieber entsprechend mehr Gehalt zahlen
So verdient kununu Geld.