96 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 3,2 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
49 Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihren Bewertungen weiterempfohlen. Der Arbeitgeber wurde in 36 Bewertungen nicht weiterempfohlen.
Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Samsung Electro Mechanics GmbH in Eschborn gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Munich office was very nice, food allowance/coupons were provided by the company. Company car was also a good advantage to colleagues in Sales/Application Engineering.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
For each business trip, we needed approval from 7 persons in the chain which was often not approved in time. This business trip approval process where employees have to provide a full itinerary down to each minute was very ineffective. During expense claim, I had to manually separate the actual amount from the taxes and tips which took a big chunk of time from my schedule. During business travels employees had to pay everything from their private bank accounts, the company reimburses the amount later (but ONLY if you have all the receipts as proof). Sometimes the company owes you several thousand euros. I myself had to buy an expensive accessory for the customer for which I payed myself and was reimbursed bearing all the financial burden myself. For the first 4 months, I did not get the travel allowance and daily allowance for my trips to the Eschborn office as they were considered on-job learning trips and not business trips. As I arranged and finalized meetings with my customers in different locations, the week before the meeting, the project manager refused to join saying "You are on your own", but my team lead jumped in to support me at that time.
The onboarding structure did not exist which made it difficult for me to quickly familiarize myself with the processes. Inefficient processes derail the focus of the employees from the main business, these processes MUST be improved! The expense claim process was also very manual where automation should have been introduced to make the process short so employees could focus on the business. The data quality for each account is very poor. Data was scattered in different places and with multiple colleagues. Instead of a central database, the data was saved by individuals using Excel, and most of the time (in calls) was wasted comparing different versions of the same document. Different versions of Excel files contained errors; and finding, checking, and fixing them was very time-consuming.
It was a very Korean-dominated company and Koreans used the power given to them by the higher management. Even the German higher management struggled to get their voice heard. There seemed to be a constant conflict between cultures (German and Korean) at the company.
The image of the company was very different from reality. The company’s processes were convoluted, time-consuming, and inefficient leading to unnecessary delays, frustration, and a decrease in overall productivity.
Just one day per week home office was allowed, if you happen to be on a business trip on that day, it won't be replaced with another day. During business trips, travelling time is not considered as working time or compensated in any way. Travelling time is employee's private time and at the end of the quarter, the company deletes any recorded overtime that exceeds 16 hours. There is a strict core working time and minimum working time per day that takes away flexibility from combining work and private life. I had to take my son to a doctor once, being inflexible, i was asked to apply for half a day leave before leaving to the doctor. If you are sick, you HAVE to submit the sick note on the very first day.
You can develop your German and Korean language skills only if you are in Eschborn office, other offices did not have those perks. No real career development opportunities offered.
Salary was fair.
As much as customers wanted to move forward with Samsung Electro Mechanics together with sustainability; environment and climate protection was not given priority.
Team members had been very supportive. My German team lead had been very supportive in all aspects.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Some of the older non-Korean colleagues were not trusted or treated well.
I had observed instances where ethical standards were compromised, which conflicted with my personal and professional integrity. The project manager of the passive components business unit during my time at the company was very arrogant and rude. He promised to support but when asked technical questions, he often considered answering a waste of time. His incomplete answers and behavior often put me off and by the end of 4 months, I wanted to resign from the position.
Micro-management displayed by some colleagues showed distrust and disrespect towards the employees and created an environment of unnecessary stress in the team.
I am giving 2 stars as the market news was shared immediately with the team members, BUT account related communication between the headquarters and Eschborn office was really bad. Some colleagues in the headquarters were also very rude and took questions/comments as an offense replying very proudly and harshly to most of the emails.
Women were not seen as a competition by management and higher management as those positions were always filled by men.
Interessante Aufgaben
There were some interesting tasks on Microsoft Excel which I enjoyed but mostly the tasks were very monotonous.
Thank you for your positive feedback. We are very pleased to hear that you are satisfied with your experience at SAMSUNG SDI Europe.
It is of great importance to us to create a work environment characterized by appreciation, team spirit, and mutual respect. Your feedback reaffirms that our efforts to foster a positive working atmosphere are bearing fruits.
Maintaining open communication is essential to us. Your feedback is invaluable, inspiring us to keep developing and growing. If you have any suggestions or further feedback, please don’t hesitate to share it with us. We are always open to constructive ideas that can help us make our work environment even better.
Thank you once again for your positive review. We hope you continue to have fulfilling and successful experiences at SAMSUNG SDI Europe.
Best regards, Marlene Wild People Group, SAMSUNG SDI Europe
Disappointing Experience
Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2024 im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement bei Samsung Electro Mechanics GmbH in Eschborn gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Munich office was very nice, food allowance/coupons were provided by the company. Company car was also a good advantage to colleagues in Sales/Application Engineering.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
For each business trip, we needed approval from 7 persons in the chain which was often not approved in time. This business trip approval process where employees have to provide a full itinerary down to each minute was very ineffective. During expense claim, I had to manually separate the actual amount from the taxes and tips which took a big chunk of time from my schedule. During business travels employees had to pay everything from their private bank accounts, the company reimburses the amount later (but ONLy if you have all the receipts as proof). Sometimes the company owes you several thousand euros. I myself had to buy an expensive accessory for the customer for which I payed myself and was reimbursed bearing all the financial burden myself. For the first 4 months, I did not get the travel allowance and daily allowance for my trips to the Eschborn office as they were considered on-job learning trips and not business trips. As I arranged and finalized meetings with my customers in different locations, the week before the meeting, the project manager refused to join saying "You are on your own", but my team lead jumped in to support me at that time.
The onboarding structure did not exist which made it difficult for me to quickly familiarize myself with the processes. Inefficient processes derail the focus of the employees from the main business, these processes MUST be improved! The expense claim process was also very manual where automation should have been introduced to make the process short so employees could focus on the business. The data quality for each account is very poor. Data was scattered in different places and with multiple colleagues. Instead of a central database, the data was saved by individuals using Excel, and most of the time (in calls) was wasted comparing different versions of the same document. Different versions of Excel files contained errors; and finding, checking, and fixing them was very time-consuming.
It was a very Korean-dominated company and Koreans used the power given to them by the higher management. Even the German higher management struggled to get their voice heard. There seemed to be a constant conflict between cultures (German and Korean) at the company.
The image of the company was very different from reality. The company’s processes were convoluted, time-consuming, and inefficient leading to unnecessary delays, frustration, and a decrease in overall productivity.
Just one day per week home office was allowed, if you happen to be on a business trip on that day, it won't be replaced with another day. During business trips, travelling time is not considered as working time or compensated in any way. Travelling time is employee's private time and at the end of the quarter, the company deletes any recorded overtime that exceeds 16 hours. There is a strict core working time and minimum working time per day that takes away flexibility from combining work and private life. I had to take my son to a doctor once, being inflexible, i was asked to apply for half a day leave before leaving to the doctor. If you are sick, you HAVE to submit the sick note on the very first day.
You can develop your German and Korean language skills only if you are in Eschborn office, other offices did not have those perks. No real career development opportunities offered.
Salary was fair.
As much as customers wanted to move forward with Samsung Electro Mechanics together with sustainability; environment and climate protection was not given priority.
Team members had been very supportive. My German team lead had been very supportive in all aspects.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Some of the older non-Korean colleagues were not trusted or treated well.
I had observed instances where ethical standards were compromised, which conflicted with my personal and professional integrity. The project manager of the passive components business unit during my time at the company was very rude. He promised to support but when asked technical questions, he often considered answering a waste of time. His incomplete answers and behavior often put me off and by the end of 4 months, I wanted to resign from the position.
Micro-management displayed by some colleagues showed distrust and disrespect towards the employees and created an environment of unnecessary stress in the team.
I am giving 2 stars as the market news was shared immediately with the team members, BUT account related communication between the headquarters and Eschborn office was really bad. Some colleagues in the headquarters were also very rude and took questions/comments as an offense replying very proudly and harshly to most of the emails.
Women were not seen as a competition by management and higher management as those positions were always filled by men.
Interessante Aufgaben
There were some interesting tasks on Microsoft Excel which I enjoyed but mostly the tasks were very monotonous.
1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich1Zustimmenstimmt zuMeldenTeilen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2023 im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Samsung SDI Europe GmbH in Ismaning gearbeitet.
Geprägt durch Druck und der Befürchtung nicht in die jährliche Beförderung berücksichtigt zu werden. Fast schon toxisch wenn man nicht zum „inner circle“ gehört.
Nur wer Stunden leistet arbeitet. Leute die Ihre Arbeit innerhalb von 8 stunden schaffen gelten als nicht ausgelastet und bekommen mehr.
Unter ein paar Kollegen gut, ansonsten Ellbogenmentalität
Basierend nur auf persönliche Meinung.
Haha welche?
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Interessante Aufgaben
2Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich2Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen
Werkstudent/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Samsung Electro Mechanics GmbH in Eschborn gearbeitet.
Es gibt für jeden vollen Arbeitstag Sodexo/Pluxee-Gutscheine im Wert von mehr als 7€. Dazu gibt es einen Aufenthaltsraum mit vielen verschiedenen Getränken, Snacks und 2x die Woche gibt es sogar Kimbap und Croffel. Home-Office ist wiederum wenn überhaupt begrenzt möglich, was mich persönlich weniger stört.
Arbeitgeber scheint an längerfristigen Arbeitsverhältnissen interessiert. Beförderungen werden (auf Wunsch anonym) zelebriert.
Das Gehalt für Werkstudenten ist mehr als fair.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Erfahrene Arbeitskräfte genießen in koreanischen Unternehmen traditionell hohen Respekt.
Sehr freundliche Führungskräfte, die ein gutes Verhältnis zu allen Angestellten pflegen.
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2023 im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Samsung Electro Mechanics GmbH in Eschborn gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Korrekte und pünktlich Gehaltszahlung, Gehalt ist akzeptabel
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
generelle Arbeitsbedingung, kaum Flexibiltät, jede Dienstreise mit aufwendigen Approvalprozessen, Dienstreise-Abrechnungen mit kompliziertem langwierigem Prozess, Bürokratie hoch. -Wenn der Erfolg nicht nach wenigen Monaten eintrifft, "darst" du gehen
Prozess verbessern, unabhängig von der Mutter in Korea werden
Großraumbüro mit Kontzrolle
der Name Samsung macht vieles wett
nichts, kein richtiges Homeoffice, ein Schillraum mit Getränken reicht leider nicht
nur unter nicht Koreanern - alles gut
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
geht einigermassen
hat etwas von top down
Büro, Arbeitsplatz geht,
schwierig, weil Korea will führen und erziehen
passt so
wenig, da Hierarchiedenken,
Interessante Aufgaben
1Hilfreichfindet das hilfreich1Zustimmenstimmt zuMeldenTeilen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei Samsung SDI Europe GmbH in Ismaning gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Sehr offener Austausch mit Personalabteilung. Agiles und innovatives Umfeld.
Prinzipiell gibt es bei SDI sehr gute Benefits und über alle Funktionen hinweg ist zu erkennen, dass man jeden Tag besser werden will. Manche empfinden größere Entscheidungen über Korea (wenn man nicht eingebunden wird) negativ - ich empfinde es als wunderbar so einen starken Rückhalt aus dem Headquarter zu haben und für so eine große Firma arbeiten zu dürfen. Oft überraschen mich auch die doch sehr klare Linie und riesen Investentscheidungen aus Korea. Wenn man sich mit der asiatischen Kultur identifizieren kann und auch so gerne im internationalen Team arbeitet, ist man hier sehr gut aufgehoben. Der Workload (ist aber klar im Zell- und Batterieumfeld) ist nicht gering, man kann aber für sich eine gewisse Balance finden und die Vorgesetzten stehen hinter einem.
Wie beschrieben ist der Workload nicht gering, was eben Zell- und Batterieprojekte mit sich bringen. Es gibt eine 40h Woche und Kernarbeitszeit. Hier könnte das Unternehmen noch etwas flexibler werden. Die eingeführte 50% HO-Regelung ist ein guter erster Ansatz.
SDI wird den regulären Batterie-Regularien unterzogen. Nachhaltigkeitsabteilungen könnte man ausbauen.
Wir haben einen großen Teamzusammenhalt. Das Team ist jung und jeder darf so authentisch sein wie er ist.
Ich könnte nichts negatives sagen. Was ich besonders an der Kultur bei SDI schätze ist, dass nur erfahrene Personen (Lebens- und Berufserfahrung) Führungskräfte sind.
Siehe Arbeitsatmosphäre
Mein Vorgesetzter versucht eine gute Kommunikation herbei zu führen, wo es nur geht. Manchmal werden über Nacht Entscheidungen vom Upper Management getroffen und vorher nicht angekündigt, habe ich so aber auch schon in anderen Unternehmen erlebt. Im Team funktioniert der Austausch untereinander sehr gut.
Sehr divers hinsichtlich kulturellem Hintergrund und Alter. Es könnten mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen sein. Das Motto one Team one goal wird gelebt, ohne Diskriminierung o. Ä.
vielen Dank für dein positives Feedback. Es freut uns außerordentlich, dass du mit deiner Erfahrung bei SAMSUNG SDI Europe zufrieden bist.
Es ist für uns von großer Bedeutung, ein Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen, das von Wertschätzung, Teamgeist und gegenseitigem Respekt geprägt ist. Deine Bewertung bestätigt uns darin, dass unsere Bemühungen, ein positives Arbeitsklima zu fördern, Früchte tragen.
Wir schätzen deine Mitarbeit und sind stolz darauf, dass Du dich in unserem Unternehmen wohl fühlst. Dein Engagement und deine Begeisterung sind für uns Ansporn, den eingeschlagenen Weg fortzusetzen und stetig zu verbessern.
Es ist uns wichtig, ein offenes Kommunikationsklima zu pflegen. Deine Rückmeldung ist für uns von unschätzbarem Wert und motiviert uns, uns kontinuierlich weiterzuentwickeln. Falls du Anregungen oder weitere Feedbacks hast, zögere bitte nicht, diese mit uns zu teilen. Wir sind immer offen für konstruktive Vorschläge, die dazu beitragen, unsere Arbeitsumgebung noch besser zu gestalten.
Nochmals herzlichen Dank für die positive Bewertung. Wir hoffen, dass Du weiterhin eine erfüllende und erfolgreiche Zeit bei SAMSUNG SDI Europe hast.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Marlene Wild People Group, SAMSUNG SDI Europe
A secretive military organization, which will try to transform you in a small reporting wheel
Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei Samsung SDI Europe GmbH in Ismaning gearbeitet.
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
1) The company pays good salaries, in order to brake the high employee fluctuation. Generally, the company is not greedy. 2) International team. Interesting cultural experience, with most Europeans coming from different countries. 3) This company may be a good entry strategy for foreigners (non-German residents), looking for their first job in Germany. 4) Nice company events (summer and Christmas party).
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
You might be surprised, but Samsung knows you: you plan to enter this company, in order to steal its secrets, and bring them to the competition. But they are prepared:
0) Pathological secrecy, which will keep you permanently in the dark, and frustrated.
1) Military model (Asian style), with very limited access to information / Korean contacts, limited autonomy, and expected blind obedience. You risk to develop gradually a reporting mentality, which may damage you on a longer term.
2) Shadow (parallel) Korean structures. The entire information and absolute power are in Korea Headquarter (HQ). In Seul there are people/teams doing precisely your job, and to whom you might report. In other cases, you might not know even about their existence (secret organization charts). The local Germany office is an Appendix of the HQ, with full power (+ information) concentrated in the hands of very few people.
3) No meetings. A meeting means free access to information, and making decisions (both activities are heavily restricted). Instead your master will call you and your colleagues in his office, one by one, to receive your reports and to give you orders.
4) Diabolic weekly reporting. Everyone must deliver his weekly written report, by each Friday, hour 12.00 (with font Black, Calibri Body 11 - not joking).
5) Diabolic time control. You will badge 4 (four) times per day, including for lunch time, independently of your position. Working time (measured by minute) will become gradually your main reference, more important than the professional objectives.
6) Diabolic time-off approval process: your request must be approved by your substitute (sometimes difficult to identify) + your boss + the boss of your boss. The entire process may last more days.
7) Diabolic bureaucracy for Travel expenses. You might need to fill the documents even 5 times (over some weeks or months), until you will get it right.
This exotic company culture is completely shaped by Korea Headquarter, and therefore almost impossible to change in Europe (in any case: your opinion is irrelevant). Be philosophical: Hundreds of people were here before you, and other hundreds will come after you, in this organization without memory. You may take it for a period (not too long), then look for something else.
A rigid military structure, inside modern offices.
The company exploits the brand name Samsung, but you may often feel like an uninvited guest to the (Korean) party.
The company uses Gleitzeit (flexible time), with Home office possibility.
You had a career until you entered this company. You will be expected to report (weekly), while your most important skill will be obedience. You will have limited access to information, independently of your position.
In Ismaning office there are about 50 Koreans + 50 Europeans (most of them not Germans). Very good relationships with European colleagues. Almost inexistent communication with Korean expatriates.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Not applicable (nobody is getting old in this organization).
Military approach, with expected blind obedience (replica of the Korean model).
Modern offices (open office) and meeting rooms, adjustable desks, and Samsung technology.
Pathological secrecy: - General Company presentation (extract from the public Annual Report) is ...secret. - Most of on-boarding materials are secret. - Organization charts are secret. - Sales results are secret, etc.
The company pays good salaries (...in order to brake the high personnel fluctuation).
Interessante Aufgaben
On paper, the batteries for e-auto are technology for the future. Unfortunately everything is ... secret, therefore as European you will be assigned to reporting or to complicated/ time-consuming, but insignificant tasks. For more sensible topics (like Engineering), your activity will be carefully monitored by Koreans (through permanent reports, or by shadow Korean structures). Your autonomy or initiative will gradually reach level 0 (zero). You will be expected mainly to collect information, to receive orders (to be followed blindly) and to report.
2Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich2Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen
Marlene WildPeople Group SAMSUNG SDI Europe
Dear colleague,
Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback with us. We genuinely appreciate your openness and honesty about your experience at SAMSUNG SDI Europe. Your input is crucial for us to continuously improve and create a positive work environment for all our employees.
We want to express our sincere apologies if you have encountered challenges during your time with us. Your concerns are taken seriously, and we are committed to addressing them promptly. Rest assured, your feedback will be shared with the relevant teams, and we will work diligently to implement necessary improvements.
At SAMSUNG SDI Europe, we value the well-being and satisfaction of our employees, and it's disheartening to learn that your experience has not met your expectations. Creating a positive and supportive workplace is our priority, and your insights will guide us in making the necessary changes. If there are specific areas you believe need attention or if you have any suggestions for improvement, we are eager to hear them.
I understand the importance of open communication, and I am here to listen and collaborate with you to ensure your concerns are properly addressed. Your satisfaction and professional growth are important to us, and we are committed to making the necessary adjustments.
Thank you once again for bringing these concerns to our attention. I look forward to working with you to find solutions and enhance your experience at SAMSUNG SDI Europe.
Best regards, Marlene Wild People Group, SAMSUNG SDI Europe
Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Administration / Verwaltung bei Samsung Hospitality Europe GmbH in Schwalbach am Taunus gearbeitet.
Findet kaum statt
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Interessante Aufgaben
2Hilfreichfinden das hilfreich2Zustimmenstimmen zuMeldenTeilen
Basierend auf 103 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Mitarbeitenden wird Samsung durchschnittlich mit 3,1 von 5 Punkten bewertet. Dieser Wert liegt unter dem Durchschnitt der Branche Elektro/Elektronik (3,6 Punkte). 33% der Bewertenden würden Samsung als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
Ausgehend von 103 Bewertungen gefallen die Faktoren Kollegenzusammenhalt, Gehalt/Sozialleistungen und Image den Mitarbeitenden am besten an dem Unternehmen.
Neben positivem Feedback haben Mitarbeitende auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 103 Bewertungen sind Mitarbeitende der Meinung, dass sich Samsung als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Work-Life-Balance noch verbessern kann.