A job or a hobby?
I find the work environment to be very relaxing and caring. I appreciate the setup Scalable has created to keep their employees happy.
There is good information always provided. We know the plans and also how the company fits in the market.
It's easy to communicate and make friends. Scalable Capital has created a culture of respect which I find very rewarding when interacting with others.
I find it easy to balance my day to day life with the work life. I do not feel consumed by my work or pressured to be consumed by it.
Leadership is good. I do not feel over managed or under managed.
Interessante Aufgaben
There are a lot of interesting tasks, and Scalable Capital is a company that keeps on adapting and building.
I have not found any reason to they there is not. No one is treated unfairly.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Have not have a problem with this.
I can work from home, which I really enjoy. There is also the option to go into the office. I appreciate the work setup and find it more than enough.
There is feedback to how Scalable interacts with the market. I would say it's good.
I think Scalable Pays very fairly and rewards effort.
Scalable has a good and professional Image. It is a place where I think the employees feel proud to work at.
There is constant opportunities to improve and conference to go to. It also highly encouraged by the company to keep on learning.