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ImmoScout's brand is friendly, but staff face mistreatment. Poorly implemented processes cause friction & micromanagemen

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Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Design / Gestaltung bei ImmobilienScout24 gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Colleagues are fun people to talk to and join for coffee chats.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

In overall the Immoscout brand is present in people's heads as friendly and caring. Unfortunately on the ground, people who are working on the product have been mistreated in the past year.

The development feedback is mostly pushing down to perform.
'New' processes implemented in the team are not well implemented causing a lot of friction and painted as if they are actually working.

This is not the dream design team, is rather a micromanaged team and leaning heavily on academics, stifling creativity and growth as designers.


Change leadership for someone capable and empathetic to people. Most of the intentions sound good to higher leadership but on the ground, people is being treated unfairly and unobjective.

Change also the narrative, some meetings start with ... The market is bad, lucky you to be here and continue with 2 years ago design was terrible.


I have seen how some of my colleagues have been bullied for disagreeing with the manager. The manager sets up consistent meetings to pressure for 'better behavior', and if the person disagrees you can only hear her talking bad about that person in other meetings.


There is no real transparency. We get constantly communicated how things were worst in the past but when it comes to communicating overall current team feelings you don't know to be able to compare but you hear comments like 'people don't understand, and that is why I have bad reviews'


Overall between colleagues we can trust each other, and talk more openly. Some of my colleagues organize coffee talks to talk about life in general, plus others are quite some events happening outside the office


As long as you are not in the position of being under scrutiny., life is in general fine.


Unfortunately, the skills of the managers are not yet there to solve conflict and frustration. They give unprofessional feedback without any positive input. There was no space or time to correct the situation, the worker's Council and HR had to intervene to improve it.

Interessante Aufgaben

It depends greatly on the area or business unit you are working in. But many tasks are micromanaged and mostly selling more products. Not focused on solving real user problems


I have not seen discrimination towards women, but there have been moments where working moms have been put under pressure and show up the cause of a deadline.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Senior designers with experience are not the most welcomed people in the design team. All valuable seniors had quit or were left soon due to the bad leadership


My salary is within my city and experience band.


In the past years, the mood has come down, especially in the last 7 Months



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Gillian MoosmannTalent Acquisition Manager

Thank you for taking the time to provide such detailed feedback. We appreciate your honesty and insights.

We regret to hear that your experience has not been entirely positive. Your observations are important to us, and we are committed to continuous improvement. We understand that there have been challenges with the implementation of new processes and that this has caused frustration in yourself.

Regarding your concerns about leadership, we are dedicated to ensuring that our leaders are equipped to manage effectively and empathetically. We will take your feedback into account as we work on improving our leadership training and development programs.

We appreciate your recognition of the positive aspects, such as the trust and team spirit among colleagues. It is important to us that every team member feels valued and respected.

Thank you again for your constructive feedback. If you have any further suggestions or would like to discuss your experience in more detail, please feel free to reach out to our HR team.

Best regards,
