Marketing coffee party with arrogant colleagues and lots of incompetence.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
All the people who don't do thier job!
Complete restructuring.
There is a lot of gossip and it's common to make fun and speak bad of the spanish colleagues at the head office. The behavior of some colleagues is very malicious. Spending most of the day covering up their incompetence and holding pseudo-meetings where nothing is discussed.
Trying to do as little work as possible and have no sense of responsibility. Tasks are passed around and shuffled back and forth until a fool is found who can be blamed for everything. You often get the feeling that many of them don't know exactly what they are doing and that they have no idea of the brand nor of marketing in general.
Always a big confusion because it feels like that especially many of the colleagues with kids don't really care about thier job anymore. Just seeing to pass over the work to someone else. Mostly without to think about, if informations are needed, timings are realistic or the other people are able to solve the task. Egoism wins.
Everyone only looks out for themselves. Especially some of the young mothers in the team are very selfish and show no consideration for the others. On the outside, of course, everyone acts nice and the permanent grin is practiced.
When you are diligent and ambitious you have to do the work of all your lazy colleagues.
I've never experienced anything like it.
Interessante Aufgaben
Could be interesting but nobody cares.
Women come first.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
Don't be too old.
SEAT pays very well, even when you want to do nothing.
It's not BMW
Not a good place to learn new things.
But you can learn how to come up in the carrer ladder with avoiding to work and treat people like doormats.