25 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
25 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
20 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
25 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
20 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Home Office Möglichkeit, angenehme Kollegialität, Leistungsanerkennung
Sehr familiäre und hilfsbereite Gemeinschaft über alle Hierarchiestufen.
Man leistet gerne viel, da die Aufgaben und die Atmosphäre stimmen. Überstunden können auch abgefeiert werden.
Viele Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten.
Hochseriös, kollegial und humorvoll. Äußerst zufrieden.
Neues Office
Tägliche Kommunikation mit jeder Person möglich. Die Team-Kommunikation wird gelebt.
Quid pro quo - angemessenes Gehalt.
In einer Bank gibt es immer viele interessante Projekte. Hier ist aber der Starke Fokus auf den schweizer Markt spannend.
The corporate culture here promotes a truly positive and modern working atmosphere. The facilities are well-designed and sufficient to support a calm and productive environment, allowing employees to focus and thrive in their roles
The company has a solid reputation, and it’s easy to see why. Employees really speak highly of it, and the reality matches up. There’s a real sense of pride among the team, and the leadership does a great job of creating a respectful, open environment. It’s not just talk—the company actually lives up to what it stands for, and that makes all the difference
Work-life balance here is honestly a breath of fresh air! I’ve never been asked to work a single minute past my scheduled hours, and my off time is genuinely respected—no surprise emails or calls creeping in.
I’ve been really impressed by the company’s support for further education and personal development. I have been offered financial assistance to improve my language skills, which is helping me integrate better. On top of that, we’re given special leaves to focus on personal growth, whether it’s education or other development goals. There are also short courses built into our yearly goals, making it clear that the company truly invests in its employees’ growth.
I truly believe I’ve been given an amazing opportunity here, especially with the excellent structure for internal hiring. The company takes the time to bring in students and then offers them real opportunities to grow, which is something I really appreciate. In terms of salary, I feel fortunate to be in Hessen, as the compensation is not only competitive but probably better than what you’d find in the market.
My colleagues here are truly supportive, and there’s a genuine sense of teamwork that makes coming to work enjoyable. People respect and look out for one another, which creates a warm and collaborative environment. It’s reassuring to know that you’re part of a team that's ready to teach you and help you grow.
The older colleagues I have in my team are really the backbone of our success. They’ve been around since the early days and bring so much knowledge and experience to the table.
After 3-4 years of work, I can honestly say I’ve never had a supervisor like this. He’s super approachable, always open to feedback, and never makes you feel like you’re taking on too much. He genuinely cares about the team—like checking in when you’re feeling sick. It’s not every day you find a boss who’s this supportive and easy to talk to
One of the standout aspects of communication here is the open and accessible approach across all levels of management. There are minimal barriers when it comes to reaching out to upper management. Personally, I’ve been fortunate to experience an especially clear and effective communication dynamic with my manager.
About equality, I’ve really noticed that everyone is treated the same, regardless of gender. There’s a strong sense of fairness in how work, responsibility, and trust are distributed. Men and women alike are given the same opportunities and expected to perform at the same level
Among all the other aspects of culture I’d rate the tasks a bit lower than others. While the work is definitely important and plays a role in achieving our team goals, a lot of it can feel quite routine. It would be great to have more variety or chances to dive into new, more creative challenges. I understand that consistency is key for certain tasks, but having a bit more variety would really make the work feel more engaging and keep things fresh.
My supervisor demonstrated a great balance of professionalism and approachability, making me feel comfortable during the hiring process. They were patient in answering questions and provided clear insights into the role and expectations. Their encouraging and respectful demeanor reflects SECB's commitment to a supportive work culture.
SECB’s communication throughout the hiring process was clear, timely, and supportive. From initial contact to the offer stage, I felt well-informed and valued as a candidate.
The working culture and the cohesion among the teams
Fantastic, modern workspaces in brand-new facilities at Nibelungenplatz. Combined with the responsibilities you have, it’s simply unbeatable.
SECB is an excellent employer that leaves few wishes unfulfilled. Personally, I believe it would be great to have a "come together" once a quarter, perhaps mid-week. I’ve seen this at previous companies, and it was always valuable for colleagues from different departments to meet and exchange ideas outside their teams. The perfect lounge space is already available for such events. ; )
The atmosphere among employees is characterized by mutual respect and collaboration
SIX is internationally recognized for its exemplary reputation in the capital markets. SECB, as a subsidiary of SIX, is equally committed to maintaining and embodying a reputation that is at least as exemplary.
Overtime is rarely required and is only mandated when absolutely necessary. If overtime is not authorized, the company ensures that employees finish their workday on time
As an employee at SECB, you have the opportunity to participate in internal training programs offered by SIX, as well as courses at renowned universities or educational institutions. This is actively encouraged and supported.
A competitive salary with a wide range of benefits that are not commonly offered elsewhere
Older colleagues are highly valued for their experience and are actively involved in many projects
As a line manager, I consistently adhere to the behaviors and practices that are regularly refreshed and developed through internal training programs provided by SIX.
work-life-balance top / new office with newest equipment/ Lounge with a view!
Communication among colleagues is consistently maintained, whether working on-site or remotely, ensuring effective collaboration and smooth operation
SIX, as well as SECB, places great importance on equality, and this principle is consistently upheld at all times.
My responsibilities as a line manager, combined with various project tasks, make my workday highly dynamic and varied.
Die Work-Life-Balance ist gegeben.
Die Kollegen im Customer Service-Team glauben, sie wären besser, obwohl ihre fachlichen Kenntnisse und Englischkenntnisse mangelhaft sind. Sie nehmen sich tatsächlich heraus, deine Arbeit stark zu kritisieren und geben ihren unzureichenden Vorschlägen, obwohl ihre eigene Leistung total schlecht ist. Zudem beschweren sich andere Banken über die mangelnde Höflichkeit !!!
Prüf mal das Customer Service-Team.
Die Situation ist sehr schlecht. Viele gute Mitarbeiter, egal ob neu oder erfahren, verlassen die Bank.
Work Life Balance ist da.
Es herrscht überhaupt kein Teamgefühl, sondern eher ein gegnerisches Klima. Die Kollegen bilden kleine Gruppen und mobben.
Es gibt keine Reaktion auf die Probleme, deshab hat die Bank die Vorgesetzten sehr häufig wechselt.
Sehr schlecht. Manchmal zweifle ich daran, ob ich wirklich in einer Bank arbeite.
Freundliche Kommunikation? Gibt's hier nicht.
Die Arbeitsatmosphäre ist sehr angenehm und produktiv. Eigenverantwortliches Arbeiten wird gefordert und gefördert. Der Sprung "ins kalte Wasser" ist gut und man erhält jederzeit Unterstützung, wenn benötigt. Daran kann man persönlich wachsen und sich fachlich weiterentwickeln.
Work-Life Balance ist meiner Meinung nach hervorragend. Die Arbeitszeiten sind je nach Aufgabenbereich bzw. Arbeitsplatz sehr flexibel einrichtbar. Sehr gute Home Office Regelung.
Der Arbeitgeber beschäftigt sich ausgiebig auch mit diesen Themen und ist diesbezüglich auch offen für Verbesserungsvorschläge.
Klare Strukturen, welche einem die Möglichkeiten geben die Karriereleiter zu benutzen.
Sehr guter Kollegenzusammenhalt!
Hier wird kein Unterschied vom alter gemacht! Es herrscht grundsätzlich ein respektvoller Umgang im Unternehmen.
Das Vorgesetztenverhalten basiert auf einem gegenseitigem respektvollem Umgang. Vorgesetzte geben offenes und ehrliches Feedback, bleiben dabei immer fair und können sich auch in die Mitarbeiter hineinversetzen. Erwartungen an die Arbeit und Entwicklung des Mitarbeiters werden meist klar formuliert. Es finden monatliche Feedbackgespräche statt in denen auch der Vorgesetzte ein Feedback vom Mitarbeiter wünscht. Wünsche/Anregungen zur persönlichen und fachlichen Weiterentwicklung werden wahrgenommen und unterstützt.
Die Arbeitsbedingungen sind hervorragend. An Arbeitsmaterialien hat man alles was man braucht. Wenn doch mal was fehlt, wird es schnell und unkompliziert besorgt. Der digitale Fortschritt erleichtert das Arbeiten ebenso wie der respektvolle und freundliche Umgang untereinander.
Die Kommunikation basiert auf einem respektvollem und freundlichem Niveau.
Gehalt und Sozialleistungen sind angemessen. Es wird eine Betriebliche Altersversorgung und gesundheitsmaßnahmen angeboten.
Geschlecht, Religion, Nationalität, Herkunft, etc. sind hier kein Thema. Das Einzige was zählt ist das Fachliche und das Menschliche. Weder positive noch negative Diskriminierung habe ich je wahrgenommen. Die Chancengleichheit wird garantiert.
Although my experience is exceptionally negative, there are still many nice colleagues (from neighbour teams), who are very professional and desent. Also all the people I met from the swiss parent company are helpful and patient. HR, Secretary and the managment board is also nice and friendly.
Actually the first comments of this bank came in 2018. It was pretty negative. Afterwards you may see many positive 5 stars comments comes in early 2019 within a short period. Personally i'm skeptical about this. Based on how i feel about that first comment in 2018, i would say it is detailed and true, and nothing's been improved.
I strongly suggest the management board to review of training and incorprate process for new staff of the Investigation Team. I actually talked several times to my line manager that time, but line manager will retire within 1 or 2 months, therefore nothing changed, and the problems are just left there.
Sorry I have to say it's very bad. I feel no team work at all, lots of hard commands. Colleagues not support each other. Small mistakes, or evern different ways of processing is descriminised and critisized. Some colleagues are very nice, but some colleagues would make you feel extremly unconfortable. Personally I feel bullied and I doubt any good comments here.
At the very beginning, you may think about Switzerland, Swiss Exchange, Clearing Bank etc. But this bank is a separate legal entity. GmbH
Its ok.
The Swiss parent comany has a good mechanism and employee training system, but it was never mentioned by anyone to me, or talked about.
It was fine. But in terms of the atmosphere and environment...I would think twice.
I don't think I have heard anything regarding these topics.
I hear this all the time: I don't have time for this // You know what? Just do whatever you want then. // I'm not responsible for this, and that's it. // etc etc. Trust me, I feel isolated and hurtful as a new employee. By the way, if you are a foreinger and once tried to explain or talk something in several simple english sentences, and eventhough everyone speaks english, you may still get following response: Here at this bank, we communicate to each other in German, thank you!
Not sure about other teams, but I didn't sense too much respect in my team.
Not to much to say here. I'm not giving any comments, but if you are a job seeker, you may wish to do a bit research for public information on linkedin, and take a deep look into the executives-turnover at this bank.
Working condition is completely ok. Nothing to complainn
The way of communication of some colleagues in my team is unfriendly, unpatient and rude. I assume potential new staff will not be having any involved or integrated feeling at all there. This rudeness is even going towards outside to banking customers and other clearing banks.
The work it self was ok. But working process are not unified at all. Under the 4 eyes principal, you will have to alter yourself, according to the rules and styles of your verifier, since these are not unified and they will not tolerate different way of process.
Die Arbeitsatmophäre ist sehr gut.
technische Ausstattung der Mitarbeiter.
mehr (wenn überhaupt welche vorhanden sind) Sozialleistungen wären wünschenswert.
die Anzahl der Mitarbeiter ist sehr überschaubar und somit ist die Arbeitsatmosphäre sehr familiär.
Die Führungspositionen bemühen sich die beste Work-Life-Balance zu konstruieren.
Aufgrund der Größe befriedigend.
Die Gehälter sind marktüberdurchschnittlich. Die Sozialleistungen sind ausbaufähig.
Sehr gut. Kollegen treffen sich regelmäßig zum gemeinsamen Abenden.
In meiner mehrjährigen Karriere war das Verhalten der Vorgesetzten war stets einwandfrei.
teilweise nicht die modernste Technik und Software.
Ein begrenztes Angebot an Aufgaben aufgrund der Größe und Geschäftsmodell der Bank.
So verdient kununu Geld.