24 Bewertungen von Bewerbern
24 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
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Jetzt Profil einrichten24 Bewerber haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,5 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Nach wenigen Stunden gab es schon die automatisierte Absage von einer no-reply Adresse (sicherlich ein ATS), was m.E. ganz deutlich den Anschein erweckt: "Talk to the hand!", damit man möglichst wenig mit Bewerbern reden muss und schon gar nicht, dass sich der Bewerber noch einmal meldet.
Da hat dieses Unternehmen und die in der HR-Abteilung beschäftigten Mitarbeiter vermutlich das "Human" in Human Resources vergessen oder wofür das eigentlich steht.
The HR representatives I engaged with were really friendly and welcoming, and I was excited about the prospect of working with them. Regrettably, the overall recruiting process did not meet my expectations. Despite being contacted on LinkedIn and being engaged by them to initiate the recruiting process for the Business and Sales Recruiter role, the candidate experience was marked by a lack of transparency and ineffective communication.
The duration of the process was not clearly communicated, leaving me uncertain about each stage. During the third step, an interview with a key stakeholder, I proactively asked about the next steps from the hiring manager, only to discover that they did not know.
Furthermore, I encountered an unexpected situation during the interview. While the recruiter had shared a specific task with me beforehand, the hiring manager unexpectedly asked for a different task on the spot. While I of course adapted to the situation, I found this deviation from the initial plan to be a bit perplexing.
Later in the process, I was informed of an additional step – a call with the CPO – which had not been previously communicated. Despite my willingness to proceed, I was left waiting for a week for this final step to be scheduled.
To my disappointment, the recruiter eventually called me on a Monday, and told me that after reconsideration over the weekend, I was not deemed the best fit for the role. This news was disappointing, particularly because I had a genuine interest in joining the company. I had even put another opportunity on hold during the decision-making process, as Sennder was my top choice, making the unsatisfactory candidate experience even more regrettable.
The entire process extended over a little more than a month, during which I took time off from my current job for in-person interviews. Unfortunately, the lack of clarity and communication throughout the process has left me feeling that the entire experience was a literal waste of time and that they have some work to do to improve their Recruiting processes.
Follow up on your interviews! Even if it is a no - nothing is worse than no feedback at all!
Inhouse-Recruiting etablieren, nicht über externe Recruiter
Hire a professional recruiter
Had 2 bad experiences in a row.
A recruiter contacted me on Linkedin about an interesting position. I answered her that I would be interested and could have a call with her in a couple of days. She urged me to make an appointment the next day but I could not do that (as I am working a full-time job) and again, told her that we can do it in 2 days. From then on, no more reaction.
Anyway, I looked at their website and found the position (or so I thought) and send my application.
One week later she got back to me saying she was sick and thus, did not answer me (which is fine). However, what really bugged me is that she said that the position has been filled in the meantime. If you were this far in the recruiting process, why were you still looking for new candidates? It feels like she was just trying to hit her monthly goal or smth.
Anyway, I mentioned to her that I applied to the position online. It turned out that the position I had applied for was another one and was not filled yet. Although the process so far was quite a turn-off I still expected an answer as the job at least sounded super-interesting. Also, the said recruiter said that she would like to talk to me in the new year.
My application is now almost 1 month ago and I have not even received a rejection mail or any messages from said recruiter.
Maybe skip 1 step in the process?
The first recruitment process I had to prepare a business case for. Which was great as it gave some more insights into the company and makes you want to start there the very next day - very motivating. The recruiters are very helpful and guide you through the process from start to finish.
The recruiters question, to please repeat the last 3 jobs from my cv- wow, this was super boring/took the majority of interview time. Disappointing application experience. Nicely written emails but when it gets to the interview, so the human interaction, I know that there are much better ways to get to know each other. I see room for improvement here. Potentially also a question of juniority/seniority of recruiter him/herself and obviously very individually experienced.
Wenn ein Bewerber nach seinem Interview ein Feedback erfragt und man sich daraufhin nicht zurückmeldet, ist dies kein wertschätzender Bewerbungsprozess. Hier besteht noch starkes Verbesserungspotential
Sich vorher mit dem Lebenslauf auseinandersetzen, den Bewerber das eigene Empfinden bzw. den persönlichen Eindruck nicht schon im Gespräch merken lassen, Verhalten wirkte von Anfang an von oben herab und desinteressiert
Warum hast du noch keine Stelle gefunden- wegen Corona oder Auszeit?
So verdient kununu Geld.