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The worst experience of my life

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat bis 2022 für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


Stop being fake


Toxic. People are ready to do everything to get to their goals. No work-life balance. No clear communication workflow. Everything needs to be done right away. The management is terrorizing employees.


Only top down.


After layoffs in 2023, people were afraid to step up since the decision for layoff was done by C Level and nobody knows what criteria they picked.


Sending ad-hoc meeting requests, interruptint meetings, sending last minute requests is a specialty of Seven Senders. They even say it openly for last minute requests: i needed it yesterday.


No transparency.

Interessante Aufgaben

The job and tasks were super interesting. It's a pity that bad management killed the vibe.


No discrimination, but also no diversity in C Level.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I never experienced anything negative.


A very modern office in heart of Berlin. You have all you neee but fruit basket will not cover the bitter taste.


No transparency with salary bends on management level. There is a yearly performance review withour salary increase. The whole process does not make sense. They offer development budget which is good.


People close to senior management are the only ones getting promoted.



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Tugce Oezyol AtkurtYour People Team

Dear Colleague,

Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your comprehensive evaluation and we are sorry to hear that you have felt that way. 

We are not able to cover all the topics one by one here, so we would like to invite you to a call where we can discuss each point with you comprehensively. Feel free to reach out to us at feedback@sevensenders.com to organize the call.

We acknowledge that last year’s changes affected the overall mood, but we’re encouraged that our engagement and happiness scores now exceed the industry average. We’ve implemented systematic approaches to improve open and transparent communication and are committed to continuous improvement in this area.

For example, during our all-hands meetings, C-level executives openly share company financials, strategy, and updates, with opportunities for all employees to ask questions—anonymously if preferred. Additionally, our internal feedback survey allows employees to share their experiences and suggestions anonymously, influencing company decisions. Based on such feedback, we’ve introduced a new benefits platform that offers personalized options rather than a one-size-fits-all approach lately.

We recognize that some concerns may stem from individual situations or misunderstandings. That’s why we encourage regular feedback exchanges through weekly meetings and one-on-ones within the team to create a better place to work for all of us.

We will keep working on what we can do better. Therefore, thank you for your comments.
