Let's make work better.



I enjoy working here. No company is perfect but it's working out for me and I'm not the only one who feels like that.

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Low pressure but high focus working culture.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I'm not a startup bro - I don't care about some of the buzzwords. A bit less of the inspirational talk and more matter of fact conversations about reaching goals and how people will get rewarded for it would be nice.


Teach people how to use the BBQ grill on the rooftop terrace. The burnt food is embarrassing.


I work 100% remote. I'm mostly unbothered and collaborate where it serves the work I do. Can focus on my stuff and the company's policies and culture support me. They also look out for their remote workers - there are remote events, Representation and support specifically for us.


My team lead does a great job communicating between us and the rest of the company. I feel supported and seen in 1 on 1s. My perspectives and ambitions are being taken seriously or rejected with a well founded reason.


Lovely people in PD. Even coexisting with the ones I don't like is ok at the end of the day.


great - nobody ever bothered me about being at work for a specific time. If you can't make it, you can't make it. As long as I deliver what i promised i enjoy a great deal of freedom.


Feel supported. No blown up emotions and very matter of fact team leads. Maybe I got lucky, idk. C Level people are trying hard for the things that matter - sometimes it's a bit much start up talk for me but that's probably just personal preference.

Interessante Aufgaben

Never got bored so far. I have opportunities to work on a bunch of new things to learn from. But people don't push you to be a "rockstar developer" if that's not your vibe.


As diverse as it gets in this industry. Due diligence is being made. The rest is personal preference imo.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

afaik the "older" (45+) colleagues are treated well and seem to enjoy working here.


solid, even remote - there is money to spend and nobody gets in your way if what you want makes sense.


They do go out of their way. Donation matching, CSD float, anti discrimination policies and officers/orgs. More than I expected.


Is transparent and people care about when it isn't. Works for me.


Pretty good - I don't hear people bitching around here. Kununu seems to attract the ones who aren't part of the company (any longer). I enjoy not having to work in selling user data or gambling.


Money for education is there and you can spend it easily. People support you learning new stuff.



SoSafe GmbH

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Thank you for your continuous work, we look forward to our shared journey ahead.

Your SoSafe People Team
