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A bad employer

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei SThree Group in Zürich gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Good onboarding programme

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- The unusual employment contracts
- Hire and fire
- All false promises regarding the opportunity to earn a high salary and work from home
- All the people who always pretend to be your friends but actually talk about you behind your back


No employees should be favoured. There were some employees who were kept on for a long time despite poor performance and were even supported, while others received no support in any form until they were dismissed for performance.


It depends on the team. The CF team was okay, but the Real Life Science team was the worst, micromanagement at its best.


They always said that they would inform the employees first and put them on the improvment plan before dismissing them for performance reasons but unfortunately several employees were dismissed without prior information.


It depends very much on the individual colleagues. Some are really nice but others just pretend and when it comes to commission, you see their true colours.


Overtime is not written down. You are expected to work as much as possible.
You were expected to go along every Thursday after work to have a drink. Often until late into the night. On Wednesdays, there were often sports activities after work where you were also urged to go along.


They have always said that they would not fire employees for no reason, but since January 2023 it feels like half of the employees have been made redundant. Hire and fire. As soon as you were made redundant, you had to hand in everything the next day and stop working straight away. The notice period is only one month to the day, which is very unusual in Switzerland. No appreciation at all.

Interessante Aufgaben

The same tasks every day. It's always the same candidates who are placed with the same companies for the same job. You have to be very pushy in this job, which leads to a lot of unpleasant situations.


Women and men have the same opportunities, as the career path is transparent. However, you are only allowed to work full-time, which for many women is not compatible with their lives.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

No older people are employed. The average age was certainly under 30.


They introduced home office because of corona and said you could work from home as much as you wanted. Unfortunately, this rule was suddenly changed again and everyone from the Swiss office had to go back to the office for 1-3 days, depending on their position.


The employees donated items and money for the war in Ukraine. For the earthquake in Turkey, they only sent a link where we could donate ourselves. That was all. SThree did not donate or do anything itself.


In the beginning, the salary was below average, but it was always advertised that you could earn a lot if you were good at your job. Well, only about 4 people from the entire Swiss office were really successful in the job. The remaining employees received no or almost no commission. In December 2022, wages were increased, but the pressure from above increased dramatically, as you now earn more, you have to work better. I think this was the reason for the numerous redundancies in 2023.
Anyone who has studied can earn far more in another job in Switzerland than at SThree.


Nobody in Switzerland knows SThree


The career plan in the company is transparent and has also been partially adapted. However, this does not mean that it is easy to be promoted within the company.

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