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Perfect learning ground but not suitable for everybody

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2017 bei Styla GmbH in Berlin gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

* Flat hierarchies
* Possibility to expand your knowledge and grow
* The young team and love for tech

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

* Lack of actual management & training
* Lack of vision for the company
* Choices being made often feel random and seem not to be made with an eye on the future


More structured communication:

When a decision is being made, think about when to communicated what to who.

More guidance for employees (less micromanagement):

Help your employees grow into the direction in which they want to go, facilitate this so they are more satisfied and less frustrated.


There is definetely a willingness from the management to praise more but they haven't found out yet how to do this consistently and believable.


Successes are always communicated and celebrated.

Styla knows however that their general communication isn't their strongest point (both internally and externally) but has shown to be working on it.


People really help out each other and feel united. Everybody is busy so it is not always possible but the willingness is there.


Holiday requests are usually checked with the team and management is quit flexible with that.

Don't be surprised though to get calls during your holidays or outside or working hours. I also had the feeling that if you don't go along with it, your commitment is being questioned. Then again, if you do go along with it, it is highly appreciated (both by management and direct colleagues) and you will get praised for it.


In conflict situations the management has shown to take up a very passive role, even when they have been asked to step in.

Interessante Aufgaben

At Styla you really get the freedom to define what you work on yourself. You are encouraged to pitch your ideas and the management is very willing to let you execute your ideas. Unfortunately there isn't always enough tim and you might have to do things in your own time in the end. Personal projects could also benefit from more centralised management to bring more useful results.


No personal experiences with this (neither good or bad) but it seems as if there is no gender inequality.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I don't think anybody is above 45+ but if there would be then they would not be treated differently besides being looked up to because of their experience.


The office is noisy because of the 'loft' setup (headphones are a must have). The technical equipment is all decent Apple stuff though and extra screens are provided.


Well... there are trash cans to separate... would be nice if everyone would actually stick to it though.


There is an abnormal difference in salaries between teams and within teams at Styla. This is most likely due to the fact that your salary is defined by your negotiation skills and timing, not by experience or effort.


People at Styla are very critical and negative.


At Styla there is a very steep learning curve and millions of possibilities laying at your feet BUT (!) you have to find and grab them all yourself. Nobody is going to show you the way or offer you any form of training. The training you get by doing and making mistakes. This, in combination with a lack of vision, can (in certain cases) lead to a feeling of not knowing what you are actually doing and what you are doing it for.
