Chihuahuas and freeloaders
The working atmosphere is good in most parts of the company, and I speak for almost all teams. People talk openly with each other about everything going on, but something has crystallized here—a growing hate agenda against the employer. If someone complains here, it's usually those who are criticized within the company or who constantly complain about how bad the employer is, yet never voice their concerns officially. If things are so bad at the company, why are you always at the front of the line for company gifts or buffets? Why do you speak to managers without offering any criticism, laughing with them, but then rush to Kununu to complain? Why have you worked for the employer for years and criticise if you know there have been more positive changes than ever before?
It doesn't even have to be the new top management—think about it. You still have the opportunity to voice your concerns internally, but you don't. Think about it. Your whining is unbearable. Imagine being an adult and seeing a review titled "Improving" and then writing one titled "Not Improving." I still laugh at how ridiculous that is. Perfect!
Communication has improved in fact, I get all questions to my manager answered, even when I go to other managers and we also have a bi-weekly meeting every two weeks. You can also go to the top management's office on the side.
Here I only give 5 stars because I mainly surround myself with competent people who work hard every day. People who are in the same boat and who don't let you down, with whom you can laugh, celebrate and chat. In that sense, the Chihuahua and freeloaders agenda also works against us employees, because competent future colleagues are put off by unfair reviews. Also very important here, if you give 1 to 2 stars and argue well and have thought about it and preferably no longer work here, go for it. There are really strong criticisms of the company that can be found in some reviews, but I haven't seen them for a long time.
No mobile work? Cry about it. We get feedback every month from the top management that mobile work isn't coming back. It's not a pleasant thing, but many large tech companies are in the same boat. Do I like it? No. Do I have to cry about it every week? No. The people who complain the most are those who run home straight away at 3 p.m., despite the flexitime system, which could be criticized too. The fact is, many people abused mobile work to watch films, play games, etc. The worst part is, these are the same people who are complaining. I love how it's always the dodgy characters who have the most criticism. If you quit, the employer is dodging a bullet. But you don't quit—you stay another two years, then leave, realize you can't coast at your new job, and then realize how good you had it before. Honestly, taking away mobile work is one of the stupidest things the company has done, but the criticism on Kununu isn't justified to the extent that people who don’t even work at home make it out to be. The benefits of mobile work, like better planning for accepting deliveries, saving commuting time, and transitioning faster to private life after work, should be the main advantages. (1/3)
This one is also pretty funny. The behavior of supervisors obviously varies from team to team. But I know what the hypocrites are getting at—they're questioning the competence of the managers. It's no secret internally that all managers need leadership training to improve their management skills (they know this themselves, and hopefully, the criticism has been received). But the competence of the top management is also criticized.
You can think what you want about their management style, but as a newcomer, or someone who's working at their first job with zero management experience, you don’t have the expertise to label the management as incompetent or unworthy. Due to the relaxed management style, some employees have developed egos that are truly unbelievable. Get off your high horse. Feel free to reflect on yourself, and if necessary, question the comments you're making.
Interessante Aufgaben
(Work-life-balance) —not ignoring your colleagues' messages for 40 minutes or taking an extra day off. Chihuahuas and freeloaders. (2/3)
A difficult point, there are two possibilities here:
Firstly, it's good that you arrive early and leave at around 3pm (even earlier on Fridays) because you have the opportunity to have more of a private day (especially good for families with children).
Or secondly, it's good because you want to leave work as early as possible.
These two options are quite different but show that you have the opportunity to develop a good work-life balance.
Why do I give 3 stars and not 5? I have said goodbye to the idea of working from home. Because I'm not a child, I don't have to ask about it every month. What I would like, however, would be no or shorter core working hours. I wouldn't always benefit from this, but sometimes it would improve my work-life balance. For the sceptics, you can also introduce internal company rules that ensure that meetings and information must be adhered to and feedback given. The biggest concern about abolishing core working hours is that an employee is suddenly no longer in the office at 12 noon. Which is understandable. (3/3)
There are many legitimate points of criticism with this employer. But there's no fair assessment happening here—there's an agenda, where people who can't speak up for even a minute in the company are writing the reviews.
Please read through every review and sense the incompetence in comments like, "What's the only good thing about this employer? The fruit basket, the fridge." It might be funny to the author, but to me, it's just sad. Imagine being an adult and writing such reviews as an employee or applicant.
In addition to the Chihuahuas, we also have freeloaders with pseudo-competence. Listen, just because you think you deserve something or have expertise doesn’t make it true. We definitely have a double-digit number of freeloaders on our two floors who love to take advantage. You're not a professional, you're not as competent as you think you are, and you're unprofessional if you act all polished at work but then go on Kununu to play nasty.