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Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Synology GmbH gearbeitet.


The working atmosphere is good. Talks can be held with everyone within the company and there are no closed doors if one is willing to discuss any given topic within respectful boundaries.


Has improved a lot in recent times and the general direction is good.


This one of the key pillars of the company for me. In general I think it's pretty rare to have such a good, harmonic and friendly group of very diverse people. This should be appreciated and celebrated.


This is quite a polarised topic within the company as can be seen in the discussions and stated points in prior ratings. Repeating them would be redundant.

One counterpoint which is lacking in many ratings however is the general flexibility of working times and the responsible managers. In general it's possible to find a solution for most actual issues in this area.

Nevertheless: Mobile work in some way or form would definitely be a win for the company as a whole and the members.


In general it's good on a per-person base.
My opinion is, that the issues arise within the interplay of different management styles but like pointed out on the communications part of this rating it is improving since communications got more open and sincere.


Improved a lot! New furniture and chairs replaced the prior - not good - situation.
One point where I think a sustainable solution has yet to be found is the lacking A/C in most rooms.


Improved in the last year. But I think the real stress test will come with the first performance based adjustments at the end of the year after the general adjustments of the last year.


In my opinion the brand is really good.
The only downer is that there is just potential to make a really good brand an excellent one with the right courageous steps.


It's possible to learn a lot here if one is willing to do it. But it requires taking the initiative since the local subsidiary has at least for now not all the means to develop a sustainable structure for itself.

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