18 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
18 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
18 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Ihr Unternehmen?
Jetzt Profil vervollständigen18 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,7 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
18 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
"Unlimited" (fair-use should always be applied) PTO, flexible working hours. What more can you ask for?
You have a monthly budget for education and are free to pursue any learning opportunities you want.
You'll never hear the sentence: "That is not my job." Everybody is always more than happy to help. Some more than others but that's normal.
There could be some improvements in terms of communication, not only from management but also between the employees / teams.
You are the architect of your own fortune. Because we're a start-/scale-up, there are a lot of challenges to solve and things to improve. In some areas you have a green field and can really leave your footprint on the companies journey. That being said: No one is going to hold your hand or is exactly telling you how to do things - which, in my opinion, is a good thing.
Learning&Development Budget
Große Vision
Sympathische Zusammenarbeit
Fast nichts
erfordert ein gewisses Maß an Prozessoptimierung, aber wir sind auf dem besten Weg dahin
Divers, Offen, Sympathisch, kollegial
Huge freedom and independence, large degree of personal appreciation
Market positive impact more explicit to the outside, finalize transition to cross-functional
Large trust of C-level in employees capabilities, request to act autonomously and self-determined
Good and trustful reputation at industry customers
Unlimited number of holidays, full flexibility to work remotely from anywhere
Average budget of 1200 Euro per year for teaining rhat can be freely used
Salary bands above industry average
Talpa works for various industries like mining, construction and transport. Positive contribution e.g. to environmental issues could be outlined more
Close collaboration inside tribes and project teams, no bad vibes
Age plays no major role, most team members between 30 and 40 years old
Superiors are generally supportive and respect private interests
Nice cozy office, free choice of work tools like laptops, no fixed working hours
Regular Townhall meetings and demo sessions to keep people up to date
Diversity regarding gender and nationality is embraced
Tram opinion is consideted in quarterly OKR planning, various types of tasks
Personal responsibility
Constantly trying to get better
Flexible work time, hybrid environment, unlimited vacation days
TALPA praktiziert einen wirklich hybriden Arbeitsmodus, jeder kann selbst entscheiden, wie er oder sie seine Aufgaben erledigt, es gibt 100% Vertrauen. Talente werden hoch geschätzt und gefördert. Die Kultur ist auf höchstem Niveau.
Bei TALPA sind fortschrittliche Richtlinien vorhanden, die eine Work-Life-Balance ermöglichen.
Festes Schulungsbudget und weitere Möglichkeiten stehen zur Verfügung. Regelmäßige Feedback-Zyklen und Aktivitäten des "People Teams" zur Steigerung des Engagements und der Zufriedenheit der Mitarbeiter.
Angesichts der Reife des Unternehmens bietet TALPA ein sehr vernünftiges Paket in transparenter Weise an.
Sehr unterstützende Kollegen und viele Aktivitäten, die vom Unternehmen angeboten werden, um alle zusammenzuhalten.
Das Kommunikationsniveau ermöglicht es jedem im Unternehmen, die Strategie sowie das Leistungsniveau bei deren Erreichung zu verstehen.
Das innovativste Unternehmen, für das ich je gearbeitet habe.
- social events and colleagues
- salary could be better
perfect, I never had the feeling that talpasolutions did not leave me enough space. my personal plans were never questioned nor commented on. this is as professional as it gets
besides internal training, you will get what you want if you ask for it.
Since this is a startup, no one should expect to get a high salary like one would do in a big company, especially regarding the senior positions, there is a noticeable difference in the industry standard
we have an energy-task force and participate regularly in university events to introduce the next generation to current industry challenges. I wish there was a bit more participation in charity though
Sometimes I just feel that not everybody is of the same opinion and thus hesitant to participate as much as others do. Although the happiness activities organized and regular meetups create a strong bond between us employees
Since I know each of my superiors quite well in person and they get along with my way of work well, this is just of the tops. I get recognition for what I do and feel that my performance is appreciated.
I got everything I need at the office of my home office. the offices are well-equipped with food, beverages, and regular cooking sessions.
Although I work 85% from my home office, the company politics help a lot to keep close and align if needed. at least once a week we meet jointly with my department at the office to have a chat and food together.
I have traveled all over the world and received advanced training if requested. My wish to diversify my skillset was met and I got opportunities to work with different task forces throughout the whole company
Great international work opportunities, very versatile work environment, very talented team
There is not too much to complaint about actually.
A bit more committent in the community could be done.
Interesting work environment. A lot to learn. Sometimes stressful due to high expectations and demanding customers
Worldwide operating high-tech business, but without any of the large corporate stuff. Sometimes a bit unclear structures due to high speed in the company development.
Flexible working hours with free time management.
Further training is possible and the range is constantly being expanded.
Good pay, good extras.
Es gibt Handtücher statt Papiertüchern und das Wasser in Glasflaschen.
In my team, we tried to have each other's backs.
Older colleagues are well integrated and respected. However, there are only some, the average team age is low thirties I think
Easy going and flat structures. Understanding and considerate managers.
Great opportunities, hard work and committent is rewarded, many chances for international work experiences.
Sometimes information reached the right people a bit late. But everyone involved communicated openly and directly. Good informations about strategy and future company development.
I have never had the feeling that someone has been disadvantaged because of a characteristic or feature.
Very interesting tasks - as a developer, I enjoy directly implementing customer requirements and actively participating in projects and taking responsibility. The development cycles are typically very short, often only days pass before new developments are also used and tested at the customer. The company is known for solving complex problems for its clients.
So verdient kununu Geld.