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TeamViewer Germany GmbH Logo


Embarrassed to have worked there

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei TeamViewer SE in Göppingen gearbeitet.


It's a mess! PLEASE!! Move on! 
It's an entry level job, in which people stay far too long! Doing the same tasks! Day in, day out!! There is also wired spirit!

You will have a one on one meeting each week with your manager, which is completely useless. And you will have an all hands meeting, each month, in which the CEO will talk for 20 minutes, and nobody knows about what! 

*Process oriented* 
They don't hire your brain, they hire you as a muscle! Do not think on your own!  
Do not bring Innovation! 
Do not try to think 'outside the box'

Simply study their processes and follow their rules/processes blindly and you will be fine!

*No Dress Code*
Some employees wear sweatpants, others show up with colored hair! 
You do Not have to show up clean shaven & fresh! It's a glorified call center, and people also dress that way! 

While it is true that TeamViewer has many international employees it's still a German company, you clearly feel that their mindset is very German! You just feel it in the air! Most Managers are also German.
And anybody WHO has ever worked with a German manager, knows that there is nothing Like a German Manager 

'People WHO get it, get IT!


Managers/CEO talk a lot but say nothing!


Simply move on!

- paycheck is below average
- real development Not possible!
- No certificates

Take a look around? Does anyone in their motivate you to be like them? Stop wasting time!

Deep down you know! So why do you stay!?
I have moved on and it was the best thing to do! You can do too!!



