Hire-and-fire culture and more politics than caring about products
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Great colleagues and a very international workforce are what makes this company stand out. Used to be a great place to work, in the past.
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Teamviewer has a history on relying on individual heroes in board-level management, and due to many bad decisions, now has a very chaotic Product Management department and has not come up with any significant innovation in product, unless it originated in companies we bought but failed to properly integrate technically and organizationally.
Therefore, a strict austerity program has been in place for more than a year, and we lost too many colleagues due to silent lay-offs and severance payments forced upon people. Now the workforce is subdued and tolerates in a limp chicken mode the many Elon-Musk-style attempts by management to impose sudden change in a top-down way. Everyone is trying to invest as little as possible because he could be the next one to be made redundant.
Instead of calculable career options and processes, a lot is decided behind the scenes by ways of company politics. Rumours and badmouthing people are widespread, and everything depends on whom you know. It used to be different in R&D, but now that money is tight, and after endless badly executed mergers and internal reorgs, the atmosphere has deteriorated even in this once wonderful department.
Still recommended for international people at the start of their career who are not afraid to fend for themselves after arriving in Germany. TeamViewer helps with getting visa, but then leaves you alone with the issues of arriving in a new country: The German colleagues do not give a hoot, and all the roles who at least unofficially helped with the practical issues have been made redundant. Not a good place to work for people on senior level, because for financial reasons, they have been the main target of layoffs.
TeamViewer has not yet realized that they are not a startup any more and need smooth processes and better staffed HR, PM and IT departments to keep developers from spending much of their time with stepping in for making proper recruiting happen, get necessary trainings or hardware or aligning collaboration with other departments; things that other companies of same size manage to run smoothly.
Great international workforce, many bright people.
Much more top-down decisions than in the past.
Great collaboration amongst colleagues: Because nothing works in terms of processes, everyone collaborates to keep the balls in the air.
Some teams work under high pressure while others especially in the small satellite offices idle and spend hours at table soccer.
TeamViewer runs a lot of inclusion and sustainability programs, in which bright and committed people participate, but actually, the company has become a place where young people spend 2-3 years, then are given to understand that they have to find a new job. Women are extremely underrepresented in development teams and female colleagues are expected to fulfill a mainly ornamental role in tech. Most of our women work in HR and Social Media anyway. It is almost impossible for expatriates to get into a management role in the German offices.
Umgang mit älteren Kollegen
And there are almost no colleagues >45, but for some guys in management who have been working there for a decade
Used to be average, now much more delivery pressure and high fluctuation in the workforce.
Very tight training budgets compared to other employers of the same size.