90 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern
90 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,2 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
70 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
90 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,2 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.
70 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.
Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.
Great working atmosphere, lovely people, everyone is super helpful
Exciting young startup, very innovative
Mostly 9-to-5 with few exceptions; Remote/Hybrid work allows for high quality work-life balance
Fair payment, great benefits
Drinks are all glass bottles and are recycled
Great team work and cross-functional collaboration
No age discrimination observed, people were hired across the board from student to 50+
My team lead is awesome
Top Equipment, Top Benefits, Nice Office
Via Slack, E-Mail; Great communication within teams and between teams, communication from management is regular, transparent & structured but could benefit from more consistancy
Same chances for everyone, no exceptions
Exiting tasks, leading edge!
-Please hire people if you can keep them, you shouldn't be hiring if you don't have money.
- Please don't be greedy and hire more people thinking it will bring in more success/improvement/profit
- Please don't call yourself a scale-up, when you cant even be called a start up company
I have lots of freedom and trust from management for what I do.
too much love for AI
People are nice & friendly
Flexible working hours
Product really impacts positively people's lives
Top management team communicates transparently about results and achievements
Office and events are pet friendly
Benefit after probation period is cool
People that live outside Munich and go to the office once a month have hotel and train paid by the company but there's no meal allowance/ breakfast included.
need to improve async communication
Eine etwas bescheidenere Herangehensweise, mehr Wertschätzung für die Mitarbeiter und ein stärkerer Fokus auf tatsächliche Exzellenz anstelle von PR könnten hilfreich sein
Hohen Druck
Gemischt, vor allem aufgrund der Arbeitsbedingungen und des Umgangs mit Mitarbeitern. Die meisten Leute bleiben nicht länger als 1,5 Jahre - und viele gehen nicht auf glückliche Weise.
Fokus stark auf dem Erfolg des Unternehmens: zu wenig Freiraum und Wertschätzung für die Mitarbeiter, obwohl alle Überstunden machen.
Die Gehälter sind ok, aber im Vergleich zur Arbeitsbelastung nicht angemessen
Das Verhalten der Vorgesetzten ist geprägt von einer strikten Hierarchie und einer Ablehnung gegenüber konstruktivem Feedback. Das höhere Management kommuniziert oft auf eine oberflächliche Weise, ohne wirkliche Absicht zur Veränderung oder Offenheit für Feedback zu zeigen. Sehr demotivierend
Die Kommunikation, vor allem das Feedback seitens des Managements, könnte besser sein.
only one type of trash in the office
Nette Menschen
Die CEOs stellen sich nicht vor Ihre Angestellten
Von jetzt auf gleich werden Dinge geändert, die man dann gesagt bekommt
some people and some products are pretty cool (until they are let go/sold)
they way so many people were let go, this is not how you treat people who worked really hard
don’t lose that many great people with changing company strategies and structures every 2 months so you have at least the chance to build something that lasts
sometimes it’s good, sometimes it’s a lof of pressure, it depends on the team
maybe working on the reality and not just the image would be a great idea
good times, bad times
only if you fight for it yourself
just industry standard at best
I see no effort there
there were some good people at some point, but everyone leaves in the end
there barely are any?
pure chaos
some standards, but nothing exciting
all empty words
probably one of the view good things is that there are some interesting tasks and you can learn things (mostly by yourself of course)
Don’t count on salary increase
I think Temedica is on the right track with implementing frequent workshop sessions involving the entire company. Those are a lot of fun and help bring the team together by sharing news and updates across the entire organization
Nothing bad to say! My experience was a great one and I would love to see the organization thrive for many years to come.
Bigger office space needed!!
The people at Temedica is what makes the working experience so special. Everyone is super nice and collaborative. Coworkers are always helpful. It feels like a home away from home.
Temedica is a rising star in the healthcare world and is here to make a difference
There is a hybrid work policy in place which allows for good flexibility in terms of work-life balance. You are encouraged to take time off when it’s needed.
Depending on the role.
Great company benefits. Salaries are fair according to standard and experience
I am reading comments here in regards to lack of recycling option, which I find completely untrue. There is paper bins, old glass bins and regular garbage bins all over the office and kitchen. Some individuals fail to look twice and actually take the time to utilize those.
I had a tight knit relationship with my coworkers. I always felt supported.
Everyone is very respectful and welcoming.
The management team consists of young, innovative and very busy professionals. I find that the transparency has improved quite a bit. The company has gone through some growing pains over the last year coming out of the start up stage, but the management has been able to stay on top and roll with the punches.
Top notch equipment.
Communication within my team was effortless. I was always able to express my thoughts and feelings. Ideas were taken seriously and happily accepted and implemented.
Temedica values diversity. The team consists of people from all over the world.
When it comes to tasks and work volume, it can be said that there is never a dull moment. I learned and developed a lot in my time at Temedica.
So verdient kununu Geld.