Please turn things around before it is too late
The advisory board should give sufficient trust to HR to select the right characters for the key positions within the company. They know what the biz needs and how to recover the image of the company. Don´t keep on repeating the same mistakes.
After observing that it was evidently possible for tesa to have reviews deleted the next day that were critical yet truthful, I personally want to test how much truth this platform can tolerate. Over the past years, I have personally observed how the excellent leadership culture has largely been erased. Even the press became aware of the issue in February 2025 and addressed it. Many employees have lost trust in the leaders, particularly in upper management, as they are now seen as puppets of the CEO. It may be understandable if they do not want to lose their job, bonus, or career options, but that does not deserve praise. Our HR department will respond to this review and ask for more open feedback, but under the current circumstances, they will not be able to achieve anything. We employees are smart enough not to fight a battle that cannot be won. Unfortunately, there is only the option to either accept the situation or quit. Instead of knowledge exchange, cooperation, and the development of personal skills, politics, power games, and fear are the order of the day
Maybe tesa could start with a few positive examples of communication and plausibly explain why lab technicians, lab managers, or procurement managers fly economy, while department heads or higher-ranking employees fly business on the same trip. It could also be explained to the workforce why salaries in upper management are rising significantly, while in many positions, they don't even keep up with inflation – despite enormous profits
There are still many great colleagues working in the company, and one can find their network
If you don’t want to work occasionally at night or on weekends, you must have the personal resilience to set boundaries towards your supervisor and also endure attacks. The flex time model is basically great.
A glance at the audience during the last Town Hall meeting reveals the necessary qualifications to get a leadership position at tesa. While the board gave their presentations, colleagues from higher management gathered at the front in the line of sight of the stage and were noticeable for their frequent, intense nodding and clapping. Unfortunately, however, these are no longer the personality profiles needed today to reach agreements on equal footing, make compromises in the company’s best interest, make quick decisions, and authentically inspire a sense of momentum
Interessante Aufgaben
A tape is more interesting that anyone could imagine without working for tesa
Unfortunately, there is a sense of control freakery, and the company is moving away from remote work and back towards open-plan offices, probably with clean desks and mobile containers in the future
The investment in sustainability was huge over the last years already
The salary development over the past years has been poor and has primarily focused on the upper management levels. I know of very few examples where negotiating had a significant effect. Presenting an offer from another employer is said to have led to a matching offer in some cases
More attractive positions are rather filled with external applicants.