High Workload, low pay, almost no benefits (anymore)
Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Remote First Culture, I dont have to tell anyone if I am working from another country/city for a few days/weeks
Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich
Always changing projects, You work on something for 1+year and the next day the C level decides to just do something completely different, the pay is compared to other startups not really good, getting a promotion or a raise without constantly asking even tho your team is having awesome results is almost impossible, the only real benefits are the remote work everything else is either not usable anymore or "normal" in other companies
Stop trying to save money on your employees. You say you have the best investors and that you could raise more money again so start spending it on important things like your employees. To keep your employees it is not enough to send them kind words through leapsome, that wont pay my rent
If you are working with the C-Level your pay is great, If you are a "normal" clerk you are probably being ripped off