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24 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern

kununu Score: 4,3Weiterempfehlung: 79%

24 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,3 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

19 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.

Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt

Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.

Diverse and Family Friendly Employer

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Fully remote set up
- Diverse company, especially on management level
- Plenty of opportunities to take on new tasks and to grow in my career
- Competent and engaged management team
- Friendliness and overall quality of colleagues

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- More collaborative decision making
- A more structured approach to work would be helpful to avoid last minute stress or duplicate efforts due to changing decisions


- Continue the good work towards open communication and collaborative decision making. It's going the right direction but has room to improve further.


The workload and expectations are high without a lot of spare capacity in the team.
That being said, I always feel when I set boundaries they are respected. The management team is also very supportive of family life and that coming before work. I never feel the pressure to work outside of "standard" working hours and can choose when and how I work that fits my life and family best.


Despite being Remote-first, I feel very connected with my colleagues. The virtual office space Gather and the twice yearly Onsites bring everyone together really nicely, plus there are many great characters in the company that make working together fantastic.


The management team is very competent and passionate. I personally feel like I learn a lot from them and receive regular feedback/coaching points that help me improve.


The company/management team has put a lot of effort in here to improve transparency and way of communicating in the last year. There are regular company sessions where the strategy and company goals are shared, plus regular updates on how the company is progressing against goals and "instant" updates from the departments on what is happening.


Salary is within benchmark, although probably lower than some bigger start-ups.
Lacking some of the "standard" start-up benefits but the fully remote set up and strong support of family life is more important to me currently than paid gym membership.


High amount of women in leadership (more than 60%) and the majority of management also have young families. Overall in the company, there are many different nationalities working from multiple countries.

Interessante Aufgaben

Continuous new challenges with encouragement to own tasks and push topics forward


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



People & Culture Team
People & Culture Team

Thank you for your feedback! We are delighted to see that you can combine your family time with work time so harmoniously. Also, it's great to see that you have a growth opportunity with us.
We will be looking to highlight the positive words you have shared within the organization and with the management team to continue to maintain high standards for all of our past, present and future employees.

High Workload, low pay, almost no benefits (anymore)

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Remote First Culture, I dont have to tell anyone if I am working from another country/city for a few days/weeks

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Always changing projects, You work on something for 1+year and the next day the C level decides to just do something completely different, the pay is compared to other startups not really good, getting a promotion or a raise without constantly asking even tho your team is having awesome results is almost impossible, the only real benefits are the remote work everything else is either not usable anymore or "normal" in other companies


Stop trying to save money on your employees. You say you have the best investors and that you could raise more money again so start spending it on important things like your employees. To keep your employees it is not enough to send them kind words through leapsome, that wont pay my rent


If you are working with the C-Level your pay is great, If you are a "normal" clerk you are probably being ripped off










Interessante Aufgaben



People & Culture Team
People & Culture Team

Thank you very much for sharing your honest feedback on your experience at TradeLink. We’re glad to hear that our remote-first culture has been beneficial to you—it’s one of our goals to create flexibility for our team.

We understand your concerns about project continuity, compensation, and career development. We will take this feedback internally and discuss possible action points.

Your insights are valuable, they help us to grow and evolve as a company. Please feel free to reach out if you’d like to discuss any of these points in more detail.

Enjoyable and authentic workplace with all advantages of full remote digital companies

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Great culture, taking the best from the digital scene and ourselves personally.


Positive and marked with support; yet it is authentic too. Meaning, a commendation is a real mark of appreciation, and at times, critics may be done, but not to put somebody down but to improve. Very noticeable too is the real, genuine support attitude of the founders.


I don't think that we have much of an image, but overall we're living by the image that we convey outside, which is positive.


I benefit 200% of being full remote: I've never been more productive, nor progressed more, nor been more present for my wife, children and parents. Really excellent!


Great learning opportunities from experienced professionals.


Usually nobody complains that we may not be the highest paying, because the job is interesting and we benefit from a great full remote setting. Great onsite seminars.


Great team, we all get along pretty well, even if most of us are very different.


Honestly, they're very busy and at times can't do everything that one would hope they'd do. And they can be challenging. But they're authentic and positive, and this is excellent. The hierarchy, overall, is flat and meaningful empowerment is systematic.


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




Interessante Aufgaben



People & Culture Team
People & Culture Team

Thank you for sharing your experience here! We are happy to see that you are enjoying working at TradeLink!

Working hours were "be always reachable and ready"

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf gearbeitet.


was okay


is okay. For a start-up in munich / berlin area it could be better.


At least a Work - Sleep Balance would be nice


When you are good with the right people and you dedicate your life to this company, you can develop! Not big in salary but at least with a nice title.


bad leadership creates (partly) a strong team


the worst I've ever had


Remote Work is the selling point...


always last minute and not very honest


never been paid that bad

Interessante Aufgaben

The tasks were challenging and interesting!




People & Culture Team
People & Culture Team

Thank you for providing us with your valuable comments, we take all feedback seriously and strive to incorporate this feedback to constantly improve. We are disappointed that you have had a less-than-ideal experience with TradeLink but value the time you have invested in sharing your overall experience.

Thank you again and we wish you the best of success in your future goals!

Intensiver Job in schwere Zeiten!

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT gearbeitet.


Kollegen sind toll. Verschworener Haufen gegenüber dem Management


hohes Pensum




solange man funktioniert ist alles gut


Informationen werden erst im letzten Moment geteilt.





Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



Interessante Aufgaben



People & Culture Team
People & Culture Team

Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry to see that the feedback is less than great, but we are taking this with us and evaluating what we can improve.
Thank you for helping us grow!

Really nice Workplace - A startup in which you can also develop personally very well

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Virtual Office "Gather"
- großes Offsite mit der gesamten Firma an schönen Orten
- sehr freundliche und offene Arbeitsatmosphäre
- gelebte Feedbackkultur


- es könnten noch mehr Frauen hier arbeiten, aber daran wird gearbeitet
- es gibt sehr viele Channels und Confluence Seiten, was teilweise etwas chaotisch ist


- sehr gute Feedbackkultur, die auch gelebt wird
- jeder, egal aus welcher Abteilung, hilft sehr gerne weiter und beantwortet jede Frage
- regelmäßige Feedback runden mit People und Culture


- work from home - mit all seinen Vorteilen
- aber auch die Möglichkeit in Offices zu arbeiten
- nicht unnatürlich viele Überstunden


- hoher Grad an Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten


- super Kollegen und starker Zusammenhalt im Team
- man bekommt und kann immer direktes Feedback geben
- jeder ist für den anderen da
- monatliche kleine und große Team Events


- man wird in die Entscheidungen mit einbezogen
- Ziele sind ambitioniert, aber realistisch gesetzt
- transparente Kommunikation


- wöchentliche "All Hands" (Meetings) mit allen relevanten Infos
- monatliches Meeting mit den Gründern mit offener FAQ Runde
- nicht zu viele Team-Meetings


Definitiv, werden hier Frauen und Männer gleich berechtigt




Umgang mit älteren Kollegen


Interessante Aufgaben



People & Culture Team
People & Culture Team

Thanks again for taking the time to provide us with your feedback, we are thrilled to hear that you have had a positive experience with us that led you to share these thoughts.

We will be looking to highlight the positive words you have shared within the organization and with the management team to continue to maintain high standards for all of our past, present and future employees.

The next big thing <3

Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Virtuelles Office, Kolleg:innen, Onsites, remote-first setup


Daily Warm-Up mit dem Team ist einfach klasse


Stellenweise viel Arbeit, da ambitionierte Ziele gesetzt werden, dafür kann man relativ flexibel arbeiten


Es wird sehr darauf geachtet, sich weiterzuentwickeln und gemeinsam zu wachsen


is ok


Geiles Team, ab Tag eins gefühlt, als wäre ich schon lange da


Sehr gute Kommunikation und Spaß bei der Arbeit


Das virtuelle Office ist der Hammer



Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



Interessante Aufgaben



People & Culture Team
People & Culture Team

Thanks again for taking the time to provide us with your feedback, we are thrilled to hear that you have had a positive experience with us that led you to share these thoughts.

We will be looking to highlight the positive words you have shared within the organization and with the management team to continue to maintain high standards for all of our past, present and future employees.

Cool team, terrible management

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

It's a super cool problem to solve and the people are great!

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Heavy micromanagement, dismissive communication from founders, bad work-life balance


You hired good people, now get out of their way! Your need for control is slowing everything down and having a million priorities does not help.


Loved the team! Very smart, motivated, caring people who give it their all. Unfortunately, the founders created an environment of fear. People try not to involve them because it's likely they get yelled at or ridiculed in front of everyone.


Some are fanboys and exagerate, but mostly good image


You get yelled at and made an example of when you don't "finish your stuff". One colleague was singled out in front of the whole company because he didn't put his notes from a customer visit into the system - because he didn't get home before midnight. Others were asked to move their holidays because they caused a bug. 60+ hours / week is no exception.


Not more or less than most companies.


The favourites sometimes get lucky, but there is no real development program


Awesome people. The negative atmosphere brings the team closer together. Made great friends!


Clear top-down management style, no personal development. There are all these "review" meetings that are essentially just the founders way of saying "you know nothing, let me tell you how it should be done". They tell you to "be efficient" and get things done but then slow you down every step of the way.


Remote-first and you get the hardware you need.


There are regular allhands meetings but financials or investor feedback are not shared. The way things are communicated often feels dishonest or exagerated.


Pay is below average, shares are distributed unevenly, even the 27 days off were hard to get


There are definitely favourites and those that are not favourites but I haven't seen discrimination against women or specific groups

Interessante Aufgaben

It's a very cool problem to work on in general, but there is so much overhead, so much unnecessary documentation, you can't really get anything done in a reasonable time



People & Culture Team
People & Culture Team

Thank you for taking the time and providing us with your feedback.

We take your feedback seriously and will discuss it internally. Furthermore, we would like to follow up on your review and offer you the opportunity to email your experience in detail to our Head of People & Culture mareike.knappe@tradelink.co

Thank you again we wish you the best of success in your future goals.

How to "Remote First"

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The nerdy urge to constantly improve not just the company itself, but eac and every one of its pillars (employees).

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Not much really, tbh. At least not now!


Keep doing what you're doing and we grow together.


The intangible vibe and inexorable spirit in this company is truly magical!


Mostly good and positive voices, when it comes to our image.


Well i guess that's what working for a startup is all about. You give everything!


Very open about that. Superiors help where they can, when they can. If you need coaching, if you need answers, if you wanna talk. Talk. They listen. That's rare!


Not much to say here. Shure it could be better, but time will tell.


Let's just say not working in a big office building is a big plus. Not traveling to work everyday is doing its part. And in generel is our product and vision saving a lot of people a lot of time and stress.


Like i've never seen before. This might be the strongest asset of this company!

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There is no question that age is not an issue at all. Everyone values the mix and the chance to learn from each other.


Nothing to complain.


Well it's remote first. On the highest level. Best tech, newest tools and exceptionel onboarding. And if you feel that something is missing. Talk about it.


They are doing well in that department. Is there room for improvement? Shure is!


From my perspective equality is no problem in this company.

Interessante Aufgaben

Feels good for now. We are constantly improving how we workand what tools we use. Everyone is involved, that's awesome!



People & Culture Team
People & Culture Team

Thanks again for taking the time to provide us with your feedback, we are thrilled to hear that you have had a positive experience with us that led you to share these thoughts.

We will be looking to highlight the positive words you have shared within the organization and with the management team to continue to maintain high standards for all of our past, present and future employees.

Startup mit gewaltigem Potenzial

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung gearbeitet.


Remote first, es gibt 2x pro Jahr Events vor Ort und im Rest des Jahres Interessensgruppen.
Harte Arbeit wird gefördert und gefeiert, jeder zieht an einem Strang und bringt das Unternehmen voran.


Für ein Startup ist die Work Life Balance sehr gut, trotzdem wird viel gefordert - bewertet wird aber nach Ergebnis, nicht nach Zeitinvestment, was positiv ist.


Viele karrieremöglichkeiten in einem wachsenden Unternehmen.


Gehalt ist unterdurchschnittlich (im Vergleich zu anderen Start-ups aber gut), wird aber durch Unternehmensanteile ausgeglichen.


Zu den Events wird jeder eingeflogen.


Alle ziehen an einem Strang, freundschaftliches verhältnis zu allen.


Vertrauensarbeitszeit. 27 Tage Urlaub. Sonst freie Arbeitszeitgestaltung.


Bestes remote-first Setup der Welt. Wir nutzen Gather als virtuelles Büro. Meetings immer mit Kameras, großer Fokus auf persönliches miteinander und Kollegialität.

Interessante Aufgaben

Wir digitalisieren eine Branche, die es dringend nötig hat. Es gibt so viele Herausforderungen, aber auch Möglichkeiten.


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





People & Culture Team
People & Culture Team

Thanks again for taking the time to provide us with your feedback, we are happy to hear that you have had a positive experience with us that led you to share these thoughts.

We will be looking to highlight the positive words you have shared within the organization alongside the more constructive parts with the management team to continue to maintain high standards for all of our past, present and future employees.

Wir setzen auf Transparenz

So verdient kununu Geld.

Fragen zu Bewertungen und Gehältern

  • Basierend auf 31 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Mitarbeitenden wird TradeLink durchschnittlich mit 3,8 von 5 Punkten bewertet. Dieser Wert liegt über dem Durchschnitt der Branche Transport/Verkehr/Logistik (3,3 Punkte). 67% der Bewertenden würden TradeLink als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
  • Ausgehend von 31 Bewertungen gefallen die Faktoren Kollegenzusammenhalt, Gleichberechtigung und Umgang mit älteren Kollegen den Mitarbeitenden am besten an dem Unternehmen.
  • Neben positivem Feedback haben Mitarbeitende auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 31 Bewertungen sind Mitarbeitende der Meinung, dass sich TradeLink als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Work-Life-Balance noch verbessern kann.